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Apr 12, 2009
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I am using the following database for this save:

"Corrupt, you're corrupt, and Bring corruption to all that you touch."

Base FC, a club which has unfortunately been infected with plague of a bad owner. If you ask any Base FC fan, they will tell you the owner of their beloved club has lied, broken promises and stolen from the club. When the owner took over in 2002, he promised money for players, a new stadium. So far though, there has been no new stadium and no players bought into the club. Instead, the teams best players have been sold, and the money has not been re-invested in the club. Not only has no money been invested, but high amounts of debts have been run up by the owner. The club is now in serious trouble, and face the possibility of administration. The owner though, is not willing to sell the club, and the fans fear for the future of their club.


"Because I got high, Because I got High, Because I got high"

Police have today arrested the owner of Base FC on suspicion of smuggling drugs, theft and many other criminal charges. It turns out that he is the head of a criminal organization that has smuggled Millions and Millions of pounds worth of drugs. After the days revelations, Base FC was put into immediate administration. All the players and staff were released, and unless a buyer for the club was found within the next 3 days, the club will go out of existence. The Base FC fans will be hoping that a buyer will be found to save their club, but it looks unlikely, as there are only 3 days for a buyer to be found


"Change everything you are. And everything you were"

It was today announced that Base FC have found a buyer who is willing to buy the club. Sean Taylor, a local business man, is thought to have bought the club for just 69p. As part of the terms, the club has been renamed from Base FC, to FM-Base. Even though the fans are disappointed that Sean Taylor has changed the name of the club, they are truly grateful that he has saved their club from extinction. In a press conference outside the stadium, Sean assured that fans that he will put his full backing into the club. He also said that he would be giving the new manager a transfer budget of around £50 Million. One question he refused to answer though, was who was going to be the new manager of the club.


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Sean Taylor today called a press conference at The Forum to announce the new manager of FM-Base. The bookies favourite for the job was Sean's brother Lee. Anyone who put their money on Lee though, will be disappointed, as Lee was not chosen to be the manager. Instead, Sean announced that their new manager would be Jordan Rollinson, A young manager who has not yet had a job in management. Both Sean and Jordan will have lots of work to do before the start of the season though, as they have to rebuild the whole squad. Jordan has been given £50 Million, and Sean will be hoping the young manager will spend the cash wisely.


---------- Post added at 02:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 AM ----------

Having little time, and lots of work to do, Rollinson dived straight into the transfer market. He has already been rumoured to have made offer for about 11 players, and it is thought he is watching about another 20. Many names have been thrown around in them media, such as Brazilian goalkeeper Dida. FM-Base are also rumoured to have made an offer to loan Manchester United's young right back, Rafael Da Silva. With all of the FM-Base fans eagerly awaiting news, Rollinson will be hoping that the deals can happen quickly and swiftly.

Transfer Rumours

FM-Base have offered Stoke a sum in the region of £5 Million pounds for Tonge, Davies and Soars

Manchester City have accepted offer for Jo and Santa Cruz for many clubs, including FM-Base

Rafael Da Silva is on the verge of signing for FM-Base on loan

Pescara young midfielder Verratti has caught the eyes of the FM-Base management

Scott Dann has emerged as a potential signing for FM-Base
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FM-Base make triple signing

Today we received the first indications of what we can expect from FM-Base in this transfer window. They have bought in Rafael Da Silva from Manchester United, Quinton Fortune on a free transfer and Marco Verratti in for around £1.7 Million from Pescara. In a press conference at The forum, Rollinson was pleased to announce his new signings. He had high hopes for all the players, and believe Verratti and Rafael have to potential to be world class players. This is surely the first of many signing for FM-Base, and the fans are looking forward to see who else Rollinson bring in.

Quinton Fortune :O

Good start to the story tho, I'll be following to see how you get on
Quinton Fortune :O

Good start to the story tho, I'll be following to see how you get on

Yeah, he is an average back up who can play in a few key positions
wow fantastic that some one has made a story out of tthis ... keep at it mate even if your not doing well
Thanks for the comments everyone, next update should be up tonight :)
FM-Base make 6 signings

As expected, there was more transfer activity from FM-Base, and there are some signings that FM-Base supporters can be excited about. FM-Base have bought in Man City duo Roque Santa Cruz and Jo for a combined sum of £6.8 million. Perhaps an even better signing was the capture of great Brazilian goalkeeper Dida on a free transfer. The 36-year old Brazilian has a fantastic record, and has won 16 major trophies in his career, including the Serie A title and the Champions League. Rollinson has also bought in Birmingham's Scott Dann, and Stoke duo Tonge and Soares

Get Gary Cahill £7m Kevin Davies £3m Ricky Van Wolfswinkel £5m Adam £2.5m
FM-Base Complete 6 More Signings

Its been another busy day at The Forum today, as Rollinson announced another 6 signings. This means that so far, Rollinson has bought in 15 players to the club. Today, Rollinson introduced new signings Deigo Buonanotte, on loan from River, Andrew Davies, for a fee of £1.6 Million, Thibaut Courtois, for £1.8 Million, Duilio Davino, for £1.1 Million, Charlie Adam, for £1.8 Million and Leigh Griffiths, for £300k. With the new FM-Base squad now taking shape, the fans will be looking forward to seeing their new team in action

This story will be getting interesting soon, Just have to trek through the transfers first!
Rollinson makes final 5 singings

A press conference today called at The Forum is thought to be the last one this transfer window to display new signings. The biggest signing this time is Romanian centre back Mirel Radoi. The Romanian joins FM-Base from Saudi Arabian team Al-Halal for £7.5 Million. Rollinson also announced the signing of Grella, Grimi, Elokobi and Battaglia. Now that Rollinson has spent around £50 million, Rollinson will need work hard to get his new team to gel quickly before the new Premiership season starts.

Manager Log

Having spent all the money given to me by Sean, I feel it is a good time to share my thoughts on the team that I have formed. I have brought in a total of 20 players, and I am confident that they will be able to achieve our goal of surviving in the Premiership this season. I have been working a a 4-4-2 diamond formation, and I am hoping it will work both offensively and defensively. Here is a quick overview of the team:

In goal, We have great Brazilian goalkeeper Dida. As you all should know, Dida has had a fantastic career, and has won lots of trophies, and I am glad he has joined our club. I have also bought in young keeper Thibaut Courtois. The young Belgian keeper has massive potential, and I will be hoping he can learn closely from Dida.

I am quite confident in the centre of my defence, but I have a slight concern about the full backs. With Scott Dann and Mirel Radoi at the back, im hoping they will command the back line, and bully the opposition strikers. At right back, I have only got young Brazilian Rafael. He possesses great amount of speed, but his inexperience may be a hindrance to the team. I also dont have a natural right back to cover if he is injured. Also, I will need to bring in another right back next season as Rafael is only on loan. At left back, I brought in Grimi and Elokobi. The both are slightly weaker then the rest of the back 4, and could be a weak link in the team.

In midfield I brought in 8 players, and I feel I have quite a strong midfield to work with. My main four will be Battaglia, Adam, Grella and Buonanotte. I have good confidence in Battaglia in the defensive midfielder possition to break up oppsition attacks and start attacks of our own. I also have high confidence in Buonanotte to grab some goals for the team. I will also be looking for Adam and Grella to provide service for the front men. I also brought in young Marco Verratti, who is a player with great potential. My other three midfielders, Tonge, Soars and Fortune, are players who will provide good back up for the first team.

Up front I have brought in 3 striker, and I believe they will be able to bang in the goals. Santa Cruz and Jo are my main strikers with young Leigh Griffiths. I am hoping the ex-Man City duo will be able to combine well and ensure the clubs survival in the Premiership this season. I also have high hopes for for Griffiths, and I will be getting him to work closely with Santa Cruz and Jo, and get them to help him become a great player.

good signings im currently in my 3rd season

---------- Post added at 03:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 AM ----------

back to back promotions lol
Haha yes just what I thought, I tried that database and got much better payers than that and in the first season struggled to euro cup places and by looking at that side you could struggle :O

BTW: A link to your player faces pack please??
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