Nov 8, 2011
Reaction score
I tried searching for it but seem to not find any. This is also my first post so not sure if I had this one on the right part of the forum. Anyway, I'm asking is will there be any difference if you start with a single league and add a couple more as you go along? Also, does it have any effect on the amount of players you can scout/search? I noticed that when I started I only opted for England team and when I add leagues the details won't show that the leagues I added are playable.

Thoughts please. Thank You. (H)
I haven't really used it yet, but AFAIK it works by activating the league in the next season, generating regens to fill out the squads in that country if necessary. So not activating the country in question at the start of the game will affect how many real players you have in your DB.

IMO you should at least try to have the 'major' nation active, if you PC can handle it. So that is England, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Brazil, Argentina. Then I usually have Holland, Turkey, the Ukraine plus one or two others running also. Normally I have the top two tiers running the the 'big 5' and only the top tier for the rest. I have down to the lowest tier active wherever I am managing though.
I started with Solihull Moors (England - BSN) so I guess it's cool if I have the bigger leagues off for now so my game runs faster then just turn them ON/add them in when I'm about to get promoted to League 1 or Championship. That makes sense right? I wouldn't be able to make huge signings from over seas unless I gain some rep right?