
Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Does it matter which CD is Stopper or cover, the CDR ot the CDL? For no specific reason i set the CDR as Stopper and CDL as Cover and it seems to work but am i doing it right? :)
Doesn't really matter no, what matters is their set of skills.

I sometimes use the cover stopper next to my weakest full back so he can easily cover the space behind him.
If really wanting to micro manage, you could set it so that your stopper plays on the same " flank" as the more deepdropping FC and the cover handling their poacher/advanced FC ( all this against à 442)
You could also " match" it to suit your MCs and their skills, roles and work rate. Perhaps use the Stopper behind the more advanced MC. Or if facing à 442 with à deepdropping FC, you could let your defensive MC handle this player, hence playing the cover behind him. As you see, it all depends on how Cautious, agressive you want to be and most Of all, how much effort you want to put into it.