Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
I've seen people posting threads saying that they are in like their 10th season? but how do you do it so quick,
if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
I've seen people posting threads saying that they are in like their 10th season? but how do you do it so quick,
if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

the game has been out for nearly a year mate :) some people have saves that are like 40 years in!

how long does it take you to do one season? I do a season in 2-3 days at about 5 hours per day.. so its extremely possible mate.. I have over 1005 hours played on my Steam account.. if not more!
true but you will see them post something about their first season, then a couple of days later they will be in like their 4th
Takes me about 10 hours of play to complete a season... 2 hours a night Monday - Friday usually does a season, then some more play on weekends.