
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Like a lot of custom database editors, I test my work out by starting a game with the latest version of my db and then leave the computer running on holiday mode until a certain point in time or a sizeable amount of time has passed, and then go over everything and see how things evolved as time progressed.

Most of the time, the individual stories that make up these saves are fascinating, e.g unexpected promotions and cup wins, former players taking their clubs to glory as manager and who doesn't love watching an awesome regen progress from a rough around the edges youth to an all time great, You know, the usual FM stuff.

So my plan was to see if anyone was interested in giving me a few suggestions for some databases I can run, and then watch and see what develops. You can suggest the country, club, level, you name it, as long as I think I can manage to run it successfully, I'll do it.

So yeah, if you wanna see how many titles a club has by a certain point in time, how a certain player turns out in 20 years, or how Football Club City (not an actual club, unless you want it to be...) do in 30 years after having been bought by Elvis, who it turns out, managed to leave his toilet in good health and at the grand age of 78, decided to come back from the dead and use all royalties earned over the years on turning FCCFC into the best club in the world, leaving all the other giants all shook up in the process. (I know, i'm sorry!!)

So leave your ideas below and i'll see what I can do guys. If no one has any suggestions, i'll just continue working on my Scotland down to level 6 db I've been at since release day.