
might have to try that :p, i cant get the gadgy of the start line now though :/
How ******* hard is this game to play?! XD
i wish it was the high jump cos i can jump high backwards
pretty proud of my 3.1metres on my second go :). But now i seem to fail, keep gettings scores below 2 XD

edit: Wooo got 6.9metres :)
I got -1.5 meters, couldn't work out how to do it :p
It's only just occurred to me that its called qwop cos You use qw and op on keyboard was it just me who didn't get the point name quick?
Ookay... managed a -1.6 first go.

EDIT: YES, owned that one! -2.5, hit the wall behind him. I have -literally- gone further backwards than forwards.
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It's so funny how people feel proud of running 2.5 meters, but that really is am achievement for this game
Hey now, MINUS 2.5 is an achievement! Just managed +3, so I have now managed to travel, uh, forwards.
Woooow i suck at this, but i will stick at it and master the art of qwop

current high score 3.2m
just shamed my high score of 15, by scoring 53.6m, the hurdle wont quit following me.

can you actually run, or is retarded dance the best way?
First I lol'd at '****** dance' and second I think no one has accomplished a run so you have to attempt what you would call a '****** dance'
I generally find humping my way through the course is the best way. Then again my PB is 11, so what do I know?