Radical muslim Cleric Anjeem Choudhary banned from France

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Well and truly f***ed up lol. They have unfairly earned the reputation of surrendering in wars etc etc, but when they choose to do something, they do it. And if the people don't like it, well tough lol. Spinal surgery is urgently needed for this country
Well and truly f***ed up lol. They have unfairly earned the reputation of surrendering in wars etc etc, but when they choose to do something, they do it. And if the people don't like it, well tough lol. Spinal surgery is urgently needed for this country

Indeed. The government are scared of offending any immigrants because we rely on immigration more than most other country's in the world.
this guy seems like a really nasty piece of work however I don't think he should be banned from a country as this will just increase the interest in him and will allow him to say he is moderate-much like the BNP. If we let these idiots talk then they will be shown up for what they are. I personally believe that women in France should have the right to wear the Burka but not in the workplace or in a court of law as it acts as a communication barrier. Banning people from free speech is a slippery slope
this guy seems like a really nasty piece of work however I don't think he should be banned from a country as this will just increase the interest in him and will allow him to say he is moderate-much like the BNP. If we let these idiots talk then they will be shown up for what they are. I personally believe that women in France should have the right to wear the Burka but not in the workplace or in a court of law as it acts as a communication barrier. Banning people from free speech is a slippery slope

If they're allowed to talk, then not everyone has the intelligence/sense to see him as he really is. He's an expert at manipulating certain people's mentalities. Just as people will believe the BNP should be elected.

And we don't even have free speech now.
And we don't even have free speech now.
Free speech is abused to much. A limited version of it would be best. We don't need sick people running around preaching their sick fantasies. Apparently the youth immigrants can't see the difference between their common sense and their religion, when they are trying to find an identity.

I really think we should support France in this. France is a country that tries to ban religion as much as possible, I can only support them in this. I don't think should demolish Notre Dame though. ;)
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I put him in the same category as the BNP et al, two sides of the same coin. He tarnishes the vast majority of good honest muslims, and creates divides. We need to get a backbone in this country and deal with the extremist on all sides.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing
But the real crux of the matter is, how come France has the backbone to do what they did, but we can't?
Because they have been in the current situation much longer then any other western european nation. Lets face it, multi-culturalism WILL lead to domestic problems, look at countries like USA, Soviet, Yugoslavia and practically every country in Africa they are plagued with religious, cultural or racial problmes.

He tarnishes the vast majority of good honest muslims, and creates divides.
No he doesnt, the immigrants does this when they dont assimilate to british culture.
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Because they have been in the current situation much longer then any other western european nation. Lets face it, multi-culturalism WILL lead to domestic problems, look at countries like USA, Soviet, Yugoslavia and practically every country in Africa they are plagued with religious, cultural or racial problmes.

He tarnishes the vast majority of good honest muslims, and creates divides./QUOTE]
No he doesnt, the immigrants does this when they dont assimilate to british culture.

er yes he does. the vast majority of immigrants are well integrated, you only need to step out into london to know this. you do know that britain was built on multi-culturalism?
er yes he does. the vast majority of immigrants are well integrated, you only need to step out into london to know this. you do know that britain was built on multi-culturalism?
They are not assimilated and therin lies the problem, immigrants are drawing lines between them and brits. Britain was furthermore built on slave labour and multi-culturalism had nothing to do with it. Integration is not gonna get you anywhere, integration hasnt helped the US nor the Kongo for that matter, or even Yugoslavia, Soviet, China etc.
Differing cultures will eventually intergrate with each other over time benignly - even those which, on the face of it, have little in common apart from the desire to treat each other humanely - but all are disrupted & disjointed by fanatacism, from whatever quarter, when it rears it's ugly head.

Forget the traditional islamic dress codes - it's the vitriolic bile spouted by these religious & racist bigots that does the real damage. I loath Toryism & it's upper-class values, but I at least expected them to eradicate these domestic threats to the social well being of these islands, given that they are supposed to be a right wing party which puts Britain first & formost. They appear to be as toothless as New Labour were in these matters however.
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Differing cultures will eventually intergrate with each other over time benignly - even those which, on the face of it, have little in common apart from the desire to treat each other humanely - but all are disrupted & disjointed by fanatacism, from whatever quarter, when it rears it's ugly head.

Forget the traditional islamic dress codes - it's the vitriolic bile spouted by these religious & racist bigots that does the real damage. I loathe Toryism & it's upper-class values, but I at least expected them to eradicate these domestic threats to the social well being of these islands, given that they are supposed to be a right wing party which puts Britain first & formost. They appear to be as toothless as New Labour were in these matters however.

God I'd forgotten about the ****** Lib-Dems.
They are not assimilated and therin lies the problem, immigrants are drawing lines between them and brits. Britain was furthermore built on slave labour and multi-culturalism had nothing to do with it. Integration is not gonna get you anywhere, integration hasnt helped the US nor the Kongo for that matter, or even Yugoslavia, Soviet, China etc.

Immigration is essential to our economy even now, especially on a local level. They're willing to take up jobs that most Briton's will not, and have a far higher productivity rate.
Immigration is essential to our economy even now, especially on a local level. They're willing to take up jobs that most Briton's will not, and have a far higher productivity rate.

On some aspects that might be correct. In my opinion I think we should turn back to the good old days, where we actually only invited the workforce we needed. Not like now where we let random people scrounge on our system.

About the assimilation question, I think it is much harder to assimilate Muslims than other Europeans like Poles, Lithuanians and generally white people. A Polish family settle in Denmark, they live in a community with Danes, their child almost only have Danish friends, it gets married with a Dane and then the Polish roots are soon erased and blended into the Danish society.

It's different with Muslims because they are a darker in their skin and usually tend to marry Muslims only. I hope you understand what I mean with this. Muslims are not keen of taking the identity of the country they live in to them. Their cultural difference is to big, it's nothing like going from Denmark, Germany or England where people act very much the same. We all like beer in Europe, in the Middle East they like religion over the good things in life (like beer and pork.)

I hope I am wrong in what I wrote here, but we'll see that in a few centuries.
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On some aspects that might be correct. In my opinion I think we should turn back to the good old days, where we actually only invited the workforce we needed. Not like now where we let random people scrounge on our system.

Because the workforce we need from immigration is mainly low skilled, manual labour. It's not like Australia where you can discriminate who you want based on skills (Nursing etc.). The only real option to counter that is a quota on what you allow in, which is what is trying to be introduced AFAIk. Our membership in the EU poses problems too, since part of the agreement is that it allows the free trade of goods and labour, so it's very difficult for us to limit it.
Because the workforce we need from immigration is mainly low skilled, manual labour. It's not like Australia where you can discriminate who you want based on skills (Nursing etc.). The only real option to counter that is a quota on what you allow in, which is what is trying to be introduced AFAIk. Our membership in the EU poses problems too, since part of the agreement is that it allows the free trade of goods and labour, so it's very difficult for us to limit it.
But the labour is only from other EU countries right? If is like that then I see no problems.
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But the labour is only from other EU countries right? If is like that then I see no problems.

Of course, but you said we should only invite needed labour. The free movement of it prevents that.
Of course, but you said we should only invite needed labour. The free movement of it prevents that.

Oh, what a bunch of idiots then. I have to start planning my future career as dictator when we have such stupid rules :)
Oh, what a bunch of idiots then. I have to start planning my future career as dictator when we have such stupid rules :)

The EU has its benefits, but the costs to us of being a part of it are greater than what we receive. It's France/Germany who are the main benefactors, and then the smaller EU nations. We don't have a manufacturing industry nor agricultural one, so we don't benefit from the common agricultural policy or the ability to export our goods with strong trade relations. Our main export, finance, is difficult to place trade controls on in the first place so that particular industry wouldn't suffer as much by removing ourselves from the EU. Although, if we left it would effectively kill any remnants of manufacturing that we have left.

The result is that we're forced to allow a disproportionate amount of immigrants in for little economic benefit. For instance, we have to put billions into the common agricultural policy, but then most of the benefit is gained by the French and the small EU nations. Hence why the Lib Dems are idiots for wanting stronger EU integration. When you add the amount of EU nationals we allow in, then the non-EU nationals we still allow in from years of being a soft touch, it's stretching us. Hence why a quota of some sort on non-EU nationals is desperately needed to curb it.