Raikan, as im sure many people go on this website whilst at work ive tried to download this training straight to my memory stick so i can upload it at home (Currently no internet) it says download complete but the file is Winzip will Fm still import it...
Might sound a silly question but first time ive done it and dont have a clue...
hey bud :) it is zipped, just UNRAR it and put it into schedules in mydocs/sportsinteractive/fm11/schedules :)
Do I have to CREATE the "schedules" folder? It doesnt appear in my docs, as you suggest?
hey mac, yeah if there is not one yet, create one :)

will, mydocs/sportsinteractive/fm11/schedules :)
So do these work on FM12 due it being in your An Angels approach guide for United under Training schedules.