hi raikan, Im using your tactic and play it about a week but i tweak it with 3 plyrs run with ball often to get more CCC.
This is the formation that im using:
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>> 2 FB, and 3 MC will play their roles to support the 3 attackers. their instruction is set base on your guide (move into channel, run from deep, roam from position, and with through ball set to sometimes).
>> my 3 attackers have a good dribling skills and a nice finishing. i set run with ball often, so they will try to beat opp defenders often and shoot when they get to the box.
>> when i faced team opp with lone striker, i'll set my CD to stopper/cover instead of defend/defend.
>> when defending, my IF will tightly marking opp FB and my FB will tightly marking opp IF.
with this tactic, i can beat RM twice in the championship. yay.
even without my strikers aguero, dzeko, rossi, without kompany and joe hart. They are unavailable due to injuries.
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View attachment 330356
>> i set the formation similar with false nine due to no strikers.
do you have any comment for my current tactic?