Ramsey a 'victim of brutal game'

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Tugski watch the replay and look at Ramsey's leg and see how it's broke before contact, then come back with an opinion like that.
Shawcross was clearly not trying to injure anyone.:/ He wasn't even trying to make a tackle he went in to kick the ball and ramsey was too quick.P.s " All guilty people cry" XD
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Ramsey's leg bucked. From a goalkeeping legend such as Wilson, who played in the 60s and 70s in a considerably more physical, or at least tougher era when it came to tackles and stuff, I'd expect better.
If they got some players with a bit of meat on that didn't prancy around it wouldn't happen so much.

*begin backlash from Arsenal fans*
If they got some players with a bit of meat on that didn't prancy around it wouldn't happen so much.

*begin backlash from Arsenal fans*

I'd be apart of the backlash if I didn't love your avy so much. XD
I like how some of the Arsenal fans are being reasonable about this, because lets admit it, most Arsenal fans are bumming Wenger about his theory on being victimised by other teams, the injuries prove nothing, just freak accidents which Arsenal fans are just trying to put a blame on someone for thier misfortunes.
He is right though - you look at the Arsenal squad and see which are well built.. Song, Diaby, Bendtner. There may be more, but most of the team are little, bag of bones.
He is right though - you look at the Arsenal squad and see which are well built.. Song, Diaby, Bendtner. There may be more, but most of the team are little, bag of bones.
While that is true, his statement was just idiotic to an extent that's not even amusing.
I suppose, in respect to the thread and injury.
I didn't mean that his comment was meant to be funny. I meant that it's just pure idiocy on such an unbearable level.
i posted this in the other ramsey thread
i saw a video on youtube yesterday with 3 still shots at the end clearly showing his leg snapping before the tackle from shawcross connected, cant seem to find it now though, removed due to copyright.....

my opinion: 2 committed players, one got there slightly before the other in a 50/50 challenge, the fact that shawcross cried afterwards suggests there was zero intent, compare his reaction to roy keane crunching and then standing over alf-inge haaland and calling him a **** before marching off down the tunnel.

gabriel marcotti (the well respected italian/american pundit) summed it up perfectly:

''its not that the tackle was dangerous as wenger and some others might be suggesting, indeed the tackle (aside from being an everyday foul) and stokes general style of play were within the rules and are not considered dangerous. The debate we should be having is whether or not we should be looking at what is classsed as dangerous within the rules. I'm not confident that its a good idea to reduce the amount of physical contact in football, but stoke and other teams are currently being very physical and remaining within the rules of the game, should the rules be looked at? i dont know.''

aside from all this debate, i wish ramsey a speedy recovery
It's very hard to imagine somebody breaking his leg whilst running, his ankle must have been going one way and his knee the other.

Whatever caused this injury, it's a very bad one. I remember watching Liverpool vs. Blackburn when it happened to Djibril Cisse - totally accidental. Then I recall him doing it again in an international match; again, a total accident.

This was a total accident. You'd expect the typical Arsenal fan to slam Shawcross for a dirty tackle (and I did, can't remember if it was the Ramsey thread or the Stoke 1-3 Arsenal one). I do take back my comments as I've seen the video time and time again. It all happened so fast, and to send someone off for such an accident is wrong.

I hope the red card gets rescinded on Shawcross' sake.

Recover soon, Aaron. Please. (A)
Thanks for the evidence. :$

That's just disgusting. It's still hard to imagine how it happens.

Going back to the original topic, I forgot to add to my previous post that while Shawcross did make contact, he only exacerbated the natural break, not caused it. I wish and hope all Arsenal fans do back down from their previous comments as this wasn't a 'dirty tackle', just a simple accidental collision.

Oh and btw, slightly off-topic - Viva La Ponfe. ^^)
yeah pretty gruesome, there are some bad ones on youtube that im browsing thanks to the related videos list on the right.

as i said ive seen still images which seem to ahve vanished showing the leg breaking befoer the imapct from shawcross, unfortunately shawcross then kicks the exact point where the bones snapped, thus making the injury much worse. and i agree about it not being a dirty tackle, as i said before, consider the fact that he cried, and compare this to roy keanes reaction (we all know he meant to hurt haaland, if you havent seen it, youtube ''keane haaland'') and its clear there was no malice in the tackle.

edit: oh, viva la cultu
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To be honest I don't think many players go on the football pitch,with their main objective being to cause harm to another player. If they do, then the're not footballers. It seems that Ramsey's unfortunate injury was a result of clumsyness on the part of Ryan Shawcross. Judging from his(Ryan's) reaction and his disiplinary record he his not a malicous player. However, I think Stoke do play a certain "brand" of football that, unfortunately leads to these kind of injuries
Some of the comments on this are an absolute joke

i watched the incedent live and then on Match of the day and they went throught it a few times
ramseys leg was not broke before shawcross made contact

shawcorss went for the ball took the player instead there was no intention to hurt Aaron but theese things happen in football

unfortunately for arsenal it has happend to their players a few times in recent years which is why gunner fans like tugski believe there teams being attacked !!
To be honest I don't think many players go on the football pitch,with their main objective being to cause harm to another player. If they do, then the're not footballers. It seems that Ramsey's unfortunate injury was a result of clumsyness on the part of Ryan Shawcross. Judging from his(Ryan's) reaction and his disiplinary record he his not a malicous player. However, I think Stoke do play a certain "brand" of football that, unfortunately leads to these kind of injuries

I do understand that point - Bolton under Allerdyce, Blackburn under Allerdyce and Stoke have all been fairly known for their 'robust' approach to tackling. But I don't think that you can fairly say that this Ramsey incident is a result of it.

If it had been one of those cynical anklebreaking tackles from behind, sure, but this was a player just being totally outdone by the speed of footwork and mind of the opposition player and making an honest attempt to play the ball. They are different things I think and we do need to make the distinction. When you see a 6'4 defender deliberately and consistently going through the back of a striker and aiming at the ankles, that's really when the referee and authorities need to start looking at imposing sanctions.