Real Life Team Name?

Jun 27, 2010
Reaction score
After being told i'm not needed by Hamilton Accies (The fifth club that have done so) Me and a couple of mates decided we would make our own 5-a-side team. We wen't down and the man said we could get a game on Cup game on Friday at the pits.

We have to have a name by Friday and since I'm the best player and also manager,yeah (H), i thought i would try and arrange a name for the team. Remember this is a real team, so it can be funny, but no old-stuff like Inter Me-nan please?

Thanks guys :wub:
Combining the two teams you support-

The Bathing Rangers.
I like The Bathing Rangers and Take a Bath Son.

My favorites so far...
Breast Rummage Albion was funniest though :D