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Rofl XD
best screen ever
I saw a 2-1 defeat with 0 shots for AI it was nice too ^^
Why raise it at Si you'll just get told "It's your tactics" or "these things happen in real life".
This new patch has made every goalkeeper 5x as better. But you will always see some MC hit a longshot that just thunders in your net, and when you look he has 6 for long shots attribute..
The Problem is no matter what happens and how badly is p**ses you off!, myself included, i want to throw the game out the window, you cannot help but keep playing it! its to addictive!!!!!! ypou feel like salvation is just around the corner with every useless patch they bring out!
Being a Dortmund fan I think they portrait the frustrations of real life quite realistically. :D

I think the main problem is that we think if we set up everything right and our team plays quality football we should be rewarded for it by a win and if this win doesn't happen because the opposition has Sups in goal for that game we get angry and frustrated.

The truth about football is that it's not really a fair game that being the better team often doesn't mean you will get the win but it's still frustrating no doubt.
Wrong thread...this should be in frustration thread.

**** happens in real life tho.

I think, that Fm 14 want to show, how coaches feel, when they dominated and stil lose :)
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