
Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score

I am currently in a Man Utd save and into my fourth season. I've won the League twice and a couple of the domestic trophies - yet to win the Champs League yet, I've been beaten by Barce in all three seasons in either the QF or SF stage.
However this season I'm having an absolute nightmare of a season! We are 3/4th in the league, knocked out of the Capitol Cup, knocked out of the Champs League - AT THE GROUP STAGE! Horrible. Yet my board don't seem to be too fussed about it which is really strange.
I have had a lot of injuries, and have had a lot of players move on - possibly too many and need to reinforce over January too (hopefully) mount some kind of title challenge.
We played Fulham the other day and the pre-match guy said something like 'Fulham should be far too strong for Man Utd...'.

Fulham were 15th in the league.

I have about 5-6 five star wonderkids which I have unearthed and I have been hoping to build my new team around them, but it may take a few seasons to see results - has anyone else done this? I have about 120m in my kitty too but I can't seem to find players who fit my style and aren't absurd money. Maybe I'm too cheap!

I'll add Screenies of a couple of my gems.
Since you haven't actually asked anything,I take it you need help turning it around. Please post a picture of your full squad (maybe with assistant reports so we can see about all the regens) and also what tactic you have been using and if you want to change it or not.
Sorry - wasn't very clear. Yeah I guess turning it around, but also have people tried to incorporate a lot of talented young players into their squad? I guess I am channelling SAF in the early 90s.