
Dec 7, 2014
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This is a call for you who want a reliable and mature Football Manager save , its aimed to those who dont jump ship when things get tough and prefer to stay and stir the team out of the storm hoping for better days in the future , Only this type of Managers can make a Football Manager save stable and much more fun.

This Post has three aims : First That of recognizing such a Save if it already exists in the network online community here on these forums or others and lead like minded people towards it ( that would be nice if such save is already around so if there is anyone who has or knows about a save around with at least 4/5 people who are regulars and take part more often than not he can point that out for all others who feel its difficult finding mature people in an online experience )

Second aim is : If no reliable saves are already in process around than we together create and orginize a save in such a way that satisfies the criterias of having a stable reliable save , If this had to happen than the days and hours that the save would be played will be decided according to the commodity of the major part of the people taking part in it , the number of leagues and length of highlights etc will also be decided this way. Rules for absence would be tollerant but with a limit. All details would be talked about here for reference also by people who may find the post in the future.

Third aim is : To open a more in depth discussion and input new ideas on how to make network games more accessible for those who usually look to play videogames online in a competitive way and love having some stabilty in their experience and bring them together which will make it easier to find like minded people and take part in such saves.

Id like for this post to lead people towards such a save if it hopefully already exists or to create one , Everyone is welcome to put his input/opinions , if someone already is in such a save/forum/post that is structured in a way that can be described as higher than avreage in organinzation and reliability than please refer us to it.

Maturity is the most needed attribute to have when trying to find or create such a save , so this post is directly aimed at mature people. Not Necessary super hardcore gamers but at least a decent level of commitment and respect towards others in the game for it to make sense. Obviously the final target is to find or create an atmosphere were people who love football can compete in a managing game in a stable competitive and familiar online enviorment which makes everything more interesting.
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stevenmurrayx is my steam name if anyone is up for it, any time after 5 is good for me as i have work monday to friday. Play weekends all day sometimes at night (depends if someone temps me to go for a pint or 12)
stevelcfc2009 is my Steam username, would love to start an online game, would have to be flexible with times/days though
Spireross on steam as well normally available after 5 but do shift work so could vary
candyman1211 on steam

Please count me in!!
Are you interested in head-to-head online versus FM15 challenge too?
Add me on steam I want to play. I can play every night :)

Steam: iCalum
vaguelao21 or send me yours..i can play everyday mostly from 5-6 in the afternoon
My steam name is iammattwashington I play as often as I can which normally is everyday
I'll play I play just about everyday add me on steam iammattwashington
I'll play I play just about everyday add me on steam swapniljain26