Any chance I could grab a screenie of Cambiasso, Lucho Gonzalez, Felipe Melo, Luis Fabiano and Quaresma.
All at the start of the game? Thanks in advance![]()
Mattia Cassani
First season please someone?
That would be this m8What skin do you use?
CAn you do a screen sho of Kevin (Zargoza) and Chris Gadi?
Later than 2013 if possible!!
Would anyone be able to post up a screenie of Forlan at the start of the game?
Thanks in advance.
has anybody got any future screenies of ravel morrison plz
paul pogba / mats moller
Pato, Sergio Aguero, Gonzalo Higuain, Karim Benzema in year 2020.
Thanks in advance. ;D
nlx could you please post-
Diego Suarez
Artur Denchuk
Reimond Manco