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Jun 12, 2010
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Hi, I'm new to the forum, don't know if there is an editing request thread, but if there are any other Rugby fans who are on this forum, could you make a database with rugby leagues in place of the football leagues i.e. guinness premiership, magners league etc..

why? and what just rename the leagues? or actually add jonny wilkinson and them lot to replace rooney etc etc?
That would be quite hard,time-consuming and pretty much pointless for several reasons I can think off the top of my head.
That would be quite hard,time-consuming and pretty much pointless for several reasons I can think off the top of my head.

why, would it be pointless oO)

I was thinking of doing one for cricket, but I don't see why I couldn't do one for rugby :)
are you going to make leinster as an amalgtion of all leinster irish clubs or put say the 30 best players born in leinster onto a club
Yeah! Do a cricket one Nick!
Im up for this but need some stats for players
why, would it be pointless oO)

I was thinking of doing one for cricket, but I don't see why I couldn't do one for rugby :)

Not so much pointless but it would be very hard to match the attributes of rugby players to footballers.

And what,Johnny Wilkinson's going to have 20 Free-Kick Taking?
Hi, I'm new to the forum, don't know if there is an editing request thread, but if there are any other Rugby fans who are on this forum, could you make a database with rugby leagues in place of the football leagues i.e. guinness premiership, magners league etc..


dont leave these other muppets put you off mate. its a good idea. it'd be very very hard but would be pretty cool. tought about it before myself actually.

but my idea was to
- delete all players, leagues and clubs from the database
- Create all the leagues that you wish to have(such as magniers league, guiness premiership etc)
- Create all the teams you want in the game(munster, leeds, wigan, stad francais etc)
- add the teams to the leagues
- Create all the players you want in the game(i suggest just the top players as it will be time consuming)
- add the players to their respective teams
- Create countries such as Europe and world(europe would be enabling you to make the heineken cup so you can control how many teams from other countries enter the competition)

note that in this idea it wouldnt be a rugby game at all.
it would be a soccer game in a world where all the rugby players are soccer players. try to give them stats as close to reality as possible but they will effectivly be soccer players. all the real world soccer players wont exist in this database)

so you gonna try it mate??
if so good luck
I find it pointless I mean you want Rugby players to ply soccer b ecause you cant have them playing rugby in FM.......not to mention the time it will consume,
I find it pointless I mean you want Rugby players to ply soccer b ecause you cant have them playing rugby in FM.......not to mention the time it will consume,

how is this a bad idea though???

we have ideas for DB's where we are refs............................. i mean who cares

**** ive seen a DB(not sure if it was on this site) where caracthers of tv shows where players

there is even a DB where a family of wonderkids are entered into a team

even in this thread where people are openly slagging the OP's suggestion we have someone say that a cricket version of the DB would be a good idea............................

the idea of rugby players and rugby teams is because instead of your arsenals uniteds and liverpools or even your madrids milans and ajax's they would all be swapped. the new best teams would be munster leinster staid francais and so on. new best players. new football world.

it would be a new game. you wont know what players to sign you wont know the strongest teams until you try.

it would be a new challenge.

the only reason im saying rugby is so there is a vasepoint to work from. it could be all made up teams and players. im just using rugby as a source to get players.

im not sure if that was the OP's intetion but it would be mine
Here is an England Cricket database I made months ago for myself and never bothered to upload.

I just replaced Portsmouth with England CC
Well fine it seems some people are open to this I will not get into your way
dont leave these other muppets put you off mate. its a good idea. it'd be very very hard but would be pretty cool. tought about it before myself actually.

but my idea was to
- delete all players, leagues and clubs from the database
- Create all the leagues that you wish to have(such as magniers league, guiness premiership etc)
- Create all the teams you want in the game(munster, leeds, wigan, stad francais etc)
- add the teams to the leagues
- Create all the players you want in the game(i suggest just the top players as it will be time consuming)
- add the players to their respective teams
- Create countries such as Europe and world(europe would be enabling you to make the heineken cup so you can control how many teams from other countries enter the competition)

note that in this idea it wouldnt be a rugby game at all.
it would be a soccer game in a world where all the rugby players are soccer players. try to give them stats as close to reality as possible but they will effectivly be soccer players. all the real world soccer players wont exist in this database)

so you gonna try it mate??
if so good luck

Just to clarify: One,we're not muppets and two,we're not saying it's a sh*t idea,but just think it would not have much meaning if you're going to try and put rugby players into a game made for footballers.

It's like making a database about horse-racing into a game made for cars.

...along those lines.
The best I could do is re name teams and replace colours.

but anyone could do that in 2 mins so i am guessing you are wanting more?
Just to clarify: One,we're not muppets and two,we're not saying it's a sh*t idea,but just think it would not have much meaning if you're going to try and put rugby players into a game made for footballers.

It's like making a database about horse-racing into a game made for cars.

...along those lines.

and the cricket database?????????????????????????

maybe it would be like making football teams into a racing car championship............................................................ o wait they did that
how is this a bad idea though???

we have ideas for DB's where we are refs............................. i mean who cares

**** ive seen a DB(not sure if it was on this site) where caracthers of tv shows where players

there is even a DB where a family of wonderkids are entered into a team

even in this thread where people are openly slagging the OP's suggestion we have someone say that a cricket version of the DB would be a good idea............................

the idea of rugby players and rugby teams is because instead of your arsenals uniteds and liverpools or even your madrids milans and ajax's they would all be swapped. the new best teams would be munster leinster staid francais and so on. new best players. new football world.

it would be a new game. you wont know what players to sign you wont know the strongest teams until you try.

it would be a new challenge.

the only reason im saying rugby is so there is a vasepoint to work from. it could be all made up teams and players. im just using rugby as a source to get players.

im not sure if that was the OP's intetion but it would be mine

If you will enjoy it,go ahead and make it mate........
Personally, I think it's a great idea, and if I had the time, I would do it, unfortunately this could take weeks of solid work, so I doubt you'll find anyone to do it for you.
People who criticise the idea, don't seem to understand the use of the editor. SI wouldn't have given us the option to do a complete overhaul of the system if they didn't want ideas like this to come up.
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