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Personally, I think it's a great idea, and if I had the time, I would do it, unfortunately this could take weeks of solid work, so I doubt you'll find anyone to do it for you.
People who criticise the idea, don't seem to understand the use of the editor. SI wouldn't have given us the option to do a complete overhaul of the system if they didn't want ideas like this to come up.

True...but again I will b e suprised if someone is ready to do this immense Task
Just to clarify: One,we're not muppets and two,we're not saying it's a sh*t idea,but just think it would not have much meaning if you're going to try and put rugby players into a game made for footballers.

It's like making a database about horse-racing into a game made for cars.

...along those lines.

I actually think its a good idea, but faaaar too time/effort-consuming to be worthwhile. But the OP should feel free to learn editing skills and do it himself - it'd probably take only a little bit longer than someone who can already edit, and that shows how long it'd take to do!

I just dont think it'd be worth it tbh mate, but that's not to say I don't think it's a good idea. :)
I might have a go at making a basic version, but I agree it would take a lot of time to do it properly. Those who are knocking the idea, frankly I don't care what you think. If somebody was willing to attempt this, I would love it, but I would understand if it were a little basic due to the time constraints.
paulegend looks like he's trying to make the database so no need for this thread

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