Retiring due to Injury Advice!

Eric the Red

Mar 22, 2011
Reaction score
Help Please!!

I recently started a career with Udinese, for the main reason of using Antonio Di Natale (although the Watford/Granada weird co-ownership thing was a pretty cool factor too). I was going to try and get ADN to play hopefully two full seasons, and try and get him to at least overtake Gunnar Nordahl's record of 225 Serie A goals, or perhaps even Totti's 243 (although Silvio Piola's record of 274 seemed a little out of reach :P )

ANYWAY, I get to January, and ADN's already got 14 in 24 with 6 assists, and then suddenly he gets a cruciate ligament injury, keeping him out for 8-9 months. I immediately save and quit the game, and then re-open it with the In-Game-Editor activated, just so I can remove his injury, which I do. I mean, he was the reason I started this save.

About a week later, I get an email saying that he's planning to retire in light of his (no-longer-existing) injury, and not at the end of the season, but rather on the 16th of February! I ask him to reconsider, then I use the IGE to change his age to 18, and I boost his stats too (temporarily), just to see if that'll help him change his mind. It doesn't, and now I'm so ****** off because I want to continue the save, but I can't if one of my favourite players is just going to retire in the middle of the season.

So yeah, is there anything I can do to get him to change his mind? The earliest back-up save is when he announced his retirement. Can I use iFMRTE (I'm on a Mac) or anything, or is there anything else that I can do to stop him from retiring? Please help me :(


The legendary Antonio Di Natale (the reason I started the save) gets a cruciate lig. injury for 8-9 months. I remove the injury with the In-Game-Editor, but then a week later he decides to retire because of this 'injury'. Anything I can do to stop that?