
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Right i started a thread last week called interested which was a tactic that i was doin in a really weird formation, and to my surprise i had abit of feed back that people were interested, so i took it more seriously.
To be honest this tactic was really fustrating, but in the end i got to grips with it (eventually i hope lol)
This tactic is still in the beta stages, but i would like for people to try it and tell me what they think,and where i could improve, to send me into the right direction.
This is a sweeper tactic like it says in the title so it isn't everyone's cuppa tea, but you never know you might like it.

Right there is 2 tactic's which i'm in between with, 1 is attacking and the other 1 is control, i'm getting good results with both!!!!!!

The tactic is balanced with short passing, i want this tactic to maintain possession as much as possible.

Pitch size = Min
Match preparation = Attacking
Shouts = work into box, hassel opponents (if there low)

if your gonna be a lower league team, then i would suggest changing it to rigid.
All pictures are below from my season so far.

Happy fming, regards Richard
If any questions please ask
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My word those are some fabulous stats from Wayne.
cheers man, hope these stats carry on through the season lol
just beaten chelsea away 4-0 which is a great result, then i beat liverpool 2-0.
At the moment i'm using control tactic
Very interesting formation - what's it like at defending?

I love strange formations like this one, what made you decide on those positions?

I'm in the middle of a save at the moment, but will keep an eye on this thread to see how other people get on with it.

Make sure you keep us updated with your progress!

Did you try it with other teams before starting as Man Utd?
Thanks for your feed back mate, at the moment i've only tried it with man utd coz thats the team i support.
I love trying out different formations which haven't been done before.
i'll do more updates on my season tomorrow.
As for defending i think it's good, i've done a few tweaks here and there
Looks good mate will start new save now and give it ago. You dont use any ois at all?
Is there a reverse version?

Just in case somebody's team is stronger going down the left ie. left wing back instead of right etc.?
in my original thread i did say about doin a reverse version, then i saw someone else posting one up, i could still do it and upload it, but i don't know how the players will react to it. I tried it a month back and it weren't that great but i'll try again and see, but i'll do it on a seperate game
Think it would work with my Liverpool squad? I'll put them into your formation so you get a better idea :)

GK Reina
SW Wilson
LB Ridgewell
CB Skrtel/Sakho
RWB Johnson
DM Vidal/Lucas
CM Meireles
LM Maybe Cole, or I could bring in a new one
AMc Gerrard
AMr Hulk
St Torres
i can't see why not, try joe cole amr, let me know how it goes.
Also i'd have sakho as sweeper, so train him for that role
currently doin my season now, and goin good.Rooney can't stop scoring, i'll post up more screen shots in abit.
Also i tweaked the tactic a little bit to
thanks buddy, in the middle of doin a reverse version as well
I'm going to try this one in my inter game next season.
Looks pretty nice.
cheers buddy, it's only a beta version though.
just want you guys to get a feel of it
Is the version in the OP the version you've tweaked?

The shouts you mentioned too:

"Shouts = work into box, hassel opponents (if there low)"

Do you use those from the start of every match?

Just that using this people will want to use it exactly as you have to try and replicate the success.
i haven't uploaded the one i'm using at the moment, still testing it.
i don't use the shouts from the start, i use them if we've taken to many long shots, and if tackling ain't that good, i hope thats answered your question