
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked before, but if it has I couldn't find the thread. I use the Steam version and patch 11.3 was auto downloaded and applied to my save games. I was wondering if there was a way to revert one of my game saves back to 11.2.1?
hmmm. not sure mate, the only way I could think of is going into "add remove programmes" and showing "updates" and uninstalling the 11.3 patch then reinstalling the 11.2.1 patch :)

otherwise you may have to reinstall the game :(
Ah, oh well. Thanks for the response bud. I won't go through all that hassle to do it, I'll just stick with 11.3.
When you start a new game, you should have something like four choices when you choose the database:
Default, Patch 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3. But if you're in the middle of a savegame, do what Raikan said. Uninstall/reinstall.
When you start a new game, you should have something like four choices when you choose the database:
Default, Patch 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3. But if you're in the middle of a savegame, do what Raikan said. Uninstall/reinstall.
That is just the database though, the changes applied by patch 11.3 to the game engine itself will still exist.

@ OP - If you started the game on 11.2.1 you DB will still be 11.2.1. However I don't think it is possible to 'roll back' to a previous patch on Steam. You can disable auto updating completely, but I'm not sure if you can control what specific patches it applies.