
Apr 30, 2016
Reaction score
I recently accepted a position with a Series A team. The squad has a lot of players and far more than I need or can handle. They are a bit of a burden on the wages.

Putting them on the sell or release unwanted list didn't lead to as much movement as I hoped. I thought my director or whomever he is would try to sell and then just let them go.

Most didn't like the mutual termination idea and i didn't want to dip into my transfer budget as much if I just wanted to release them outright.

My biggest concern is players I don't want taking up playing time from those I do or just missing out on game time experience.

I can loan or use my affiliates I guess , but I wondered if you ran into this or had solutions/suggestions?
Can you not just try offering them out to clubs yourself, or have you tried that already?
Like transfer listing them myself? I think I did for some, but maybe I listed them at value?

If you go to a player's profile and go to "Transfer" and then "Offer to clubs", you can offer them out for whatever value you want. Maybe start by asking for the amount which you think you could realistically get, then if there aren't any takers for that price lower it until there are.
Took over Cork City FC after 3 years in Wales with Bangor City FC. Good lord, Cork had loads of players! I think I released 15 from the first team (net of 15, I think I released about 20, and hired five replacements). Further, I released loads from the U-19 side (no reserves in Ireland, so this is the only other team).

I've never seen anything like this in past FM's (only played since FM13 though). I thought it was just Cork City...