Saints problems - Simply Help!


Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Okies. So lets get the fact that i suck at this game out of the way first, I suck, now if you non suckees could just give me a few hints n tips I'd be very much grateful. :)

I am a Saints fan, so I want to play as them.

When I take them on, they are -10 points and the board expcts at minimum promotion.

I have played for the last 2 weeks, about 5 games. I am a pretty determined soul but after getting sacked every time, the best I have achieved is to make it to March, I have decided I need help.

So firstly what I do.

Get rid of the dross to keep my wage bill down.

I buy a new keeper and normally a forward that is better than Lambert or as good, but better finishing to use as a poacher.

I then look for any improvments I can also buy in the defense, the midfield with my 2 Loanees Papa Waigo and Antonio along with Puncheon, Lallana and Schniderlien is pretty strong.

Tactically is where I think I am failing.

I have been attempting to use several different Tactics. Mostly favouring 442 or 4312.

I think I have them set up reasonably correctly with defenders and fullbacks, 2 wingers, 1 Playmaker, 1 Defending Central Midfielder and a Target Man (Lambert) with a Poacher.

When the opposing team is counter attacking or playing defensively I set my tactic to control otherwise I use Standard a lot, and counter if I see they switch to a more attacking formation or attacking style.

But I lose. I lose a lot. I am fgavourite nearly every match, but still I lose.

I have tried ordering touchline in matches I am not getting many shots on goal in, like use overlap, get ball forward and shoot on sight.

I think my basic issue is interpreting what my scout has to say. I use a scout that has 16 tactical, and usually gives me a rough guide, likelayout, how they play and pitch constraints etc.

I am sure its possible to get Saints promoted, but what I dont want to do is take a ready made tactic, read which super players are best to sign, and not have any learning input to myself.

So, help is needed please, some tips on how to interpret what my scout says about the opposition, what to try in match regarding the touchline orders :)

(if this is the wrong type of site for this then feel free to tell me to get fkd, and I google a little more)
Well if possible upload a screenshot of your team, and maybe I can help you with some tactics. My Aston Villa team normally play three defenders (one central, two fullbacks), one DMC (Petrov of course), two MCs, two wingers, and two strikers. This season we got Van Der Vaart and Deco (free), so we changed it up so instead of two strikers we have one, and we have an AMC.

How good is your defensive line? If you've got any problems there, Lauren is a great right back (and free) and DCs should be easy to come by.

Throughout your friendlies, mix and match. A player that is rated your best may not perform your best. In my Villa team, Luke Young was rated the best, then Habib Beye, then Lauren as the worst. Lauren put in the best performances still, and Beye put in the worst. Use the friendlies to work out who should be playing where, and mix around your tactics to see what suits your team the best.

Listen to your backroom staff during the meetings, and if your assistant manager agrees with something and you don't, you've gotta think it through before you go and turn him down.

If this scout of yours doesn't seem to be doing the job well enough, sign another one. There are plenty of great scouts in the game that currently have no club, meaning they won't cost you a dime up front and shouldn't cost you too much through wages.

Search through the free transfer list for some decent players, you're bound to find some genuine talent in there. I've told you Lauren, and there are plenty more. A great tactic for this is to go into a national team, set the view to show the cheapest players first, and just click next nation until you find a good free player. That's how I found Lauren, Edixon Perea (great striker btw, look for him), a couple Greek players... There's a lot of talent to be found that way.

If the minimum expectation is to be promoted, then the team was most likely relegated last year, which is a shame because they expect so much of those teams. It IS possible though, and with the right management you should be able to do it.

You should be told these fundamental things before each game:

- Match odds
- Danger man
- Effective tactics
- A comparison of things such as the team's average dribbling skills, finishing skills, technique, etc. etc.

Using these things should give you a good idea of how to go about your match. Match odds good for you? Try going further into attack. Only a little good for you? Still have a good defense, but still strengthen your attack. Average? Strengthen midfield more. Bad? Strengthen defense.

Danger man is the player from the opposition who is the most troublesome, according to recent performances, average rating, current ability and other things, for your upcoming game. These players don't always need to be focused on, but when playing a bigger team they should definitely have some form of tactic working against them.

The tactics given to you by your staff are most likely going to be much more effective in any situation than one of your own, unless you happen to be molding your team to that said tactic. But listening to the staff is always a high priority.

If the match odds are in your favor, but the other team has massive advantages in these areas over you, then the match odds are obviously just based on your current status in the league, meaning that those teams still have a great chance of beating you.

Once you find a good position for a player, play him in the same position constantly whenever he plays. If he's a sub, and you bring him into a different position, change that position to suit his style of play. Players always perform better and become happier in their preferred positions.

Hope all this can be of some help. 8-|