Scottish Hero? Making the Most of the Scottish Pound


Nov 2, 2012
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Hey guys,

Was wondering if anyone else had managed to the Scottish Hero achievement? The achievement is getting promoted from Scottish League 2 to the SPL for those who aren't aware. I've just managed it with Berwick Rangers, somehow in just 4 years which I'm pretty chuffed with. I was Champions of SL2 and then went up through the play offs in the latter two. Also for anyone who like me doesn't know a thing about how the play off system works in the Championship it goes like this, 3rd vs 4th, winner plays 2nd, winner plays 11th in the SPL. So that's a total of 6 matches for 3rd (like me) or 4th, very nice for the revenue though. The match vs 11th in SPL was well into June... so after contracts are scheduled to expire on May 31.

I'm now about 10 games into the season sitting in 10th with a 3/2/5 record so far, fairly content with this all in. Playing fairly well just being a lot poorer in both penalty area where it counts! The general pattern of my seasons has been poor early on then hitting a good run around January, the basis has been great home form only having lost 9 games at home in 4 years in the league, 3 of which were in my first 7 matches. It's probably the most I've enjoyed a save in a good few years and one I can see myself sticking with for a good while.

The difficulty is the finances of moving up so rapidly. I have 3 players on over £1000pw (total budget of £15000pw), the lowest any other team has is Livingston with 6 and I just beat them 5-2 away. I was wondering if anyone else had much experience with how the financial situation is likely to adjust over the next couple of years? I should have turnover between £5.5m - £6m for the season, compared with £700,000 when I took over (the club value was also around £700,000 and debt-free then is £875,00 with £3.5m debt having bought the stadium.

TL;DR managing Scotland lower leagues is fun, have a look at the final paragraph for figures, but should I expect to start having much money anytime soon? Celtic have 17 players earning more a week than all my players and this could delay me winning the Champions League...