Seeking tactical advice from the forum geniuses


Jul 31, 2015
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Hi all,

Long time FM player here, but as the game has gotten more advanced in the tactical aspect over the last versions I have mostly downloaded tactics for success in that department and focused on squad management instead. This time around though I have decided to try making something from scratch on my own.

In this case I have decided to start up a save with Swansea, and since the board demands possession style football that is what I will try to do. That in mind, I also like a fast paced game with pressing. However, since I am not even close to knowing enough about making tactics on this game I now turn to you for some advice. My thought was to upload my formation, TIs and PIs, and hopefully you guys that do know what to do can point out the flaws and trouble areas of my tactic and how to correct these.

Formation and player roles:
View attachment 189124

Team Instructions:
View attachment 189123

Player instructions:
Besides the default instructions given by the roles I have added these:
GK: Fewer risky passes, Distribute to fullbacks
FB: Shoot less often, Close down more, Mark tighter, Sit narrower, Run wide with ball
BPD: Shoot less often, Dribble less, Close down less
CD: Close down less, Tackle harder
DM: Shoot less often, Tackle harder, Mark tighter, Fewer risky passes
AP: Get further forward, Roam from position
DLP: Tackle harder, Mark tighter
IF: Shoot less often, Tackle harder, Mark tighter
CF: Shoot less often, Tackle harder, More direct passes, Move into channels

So, what do you say guys?

I'm no genius or expert. But.... good lord, that's a lot of instructions.

What specifically are the issues you see? What isn't working? What is working? What are you trying to resolve? Analyzing without any context is basically guessing.

I've said this in a few threads recently, but a high tempo and high possession are hard to pull off. They are not mutually exclusive, but its rather difficult. You need a really high caliber of player to do it consistently. Consider this - how many clubs manage to play a really high tempo possession game in the world currently? What kind of players do they have? You are adding further wrinkles by asking them to pass into space and dribble a lot. You want them to pick out the right short pass, put it exactly where their teammate is going to be, run with the ball often, and do all of this as rapidly as possible. Unless you have Bayern/Barcelona/Real level players, you are probably going to cede possession a lot.

Generally speaking, I believe in selecting a player role to suit your tactical approach rather than picking it to suit your player. But you do have to be realistic about what your players can do. A possession game can work even with a team that doesn't have fantastic overall Passing skills (I've done it on FM16), but asking them to do a high-paced pressing possession game is asking them do even more. For example, you want your FBs to dribble a ton (both TI and PI). Do you have really quick wide defenders with great dribbling, passing, and crossing? If not, that may end up being ineffective (turn the ball over) as often as its effective. Same with having a Ball Playing Defender - a nice addition if you have a central defender with standout passing skills. But with standard passing skills in a CD, they might just cede possession.

TIs and PIs should be added carefully rather than in volume. In many cases, you are taking things to an extreme and that can be counter-productive.

If its working, fair enough. But if its not, there needs to be some specific context to what isn't working to give specific advice. If its not working at all, scale it back to basics. The shape is fine and the player roles aren't fundamentally out of whack. But dropping all the Personal Instructions and all but the key Team Instructions is a good place to start building from, then add TIs and PIs as tweaks.
Thanks man! Especially that part about the fullbacks as I have seen them give up possession a ton. I will consider changes. I dont really have any thinking behind making this tactic except picking TIs I like (if you know what i mean) and same goes for PIs. I am still early in pre-season so I havent been able to pick out any tendencies yet, but I will consider your advice and maybe scale it back a bit as you are right. I am asking a ton of my players. Thanks!
Simplicity is far more effective than we realize. As long as its logical and the roles fit together, and that's really the key to success.

If you have not already done so, I would strongly recommend checking out Cleon's Art of Possession Football thread on the SI Tactical forum. Its not a download and use thread but an explanation of the ideas he uses to create a Possession based tactic with... SWANSEA! Its a low tempo but its the same team shape and everything. And it does work - I was able to emulate someone who posted in the thread and get 60% possession with Koln, who have the Passing in the Bundesliga. Only for a few matches but still.

My suggest would be to target a simple but effective passing game that should allow you to consistently get 55% or better possession against most opponents, and gradually build a squad capable of doing so at a high pace. And you might be surprised at how a possession tactic with even normal tempo can look and play.
Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it! I will definitely look into to that thread over the weekend when I have more time.
Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it! I will definitely look into to that thread over the weekend when I have more time.

Its a long read if you go thru all the questions and responses, but very worth it. Just bear in mind that its not "The Way" to play Swansea or a possession tactic. Its "a way". What Cleon does it use a Highly Structured team shape, which would be limiting the overall creative freedom, and then use a number of fairly create roles in midfield and attack. You could also use a more fluid team shape and it could still be effective.
Just bear in mind that its not "The Way" to play Swansea or a possession tactic. Its "a way".
Very important point, this. The only reason for that piece was because people believed you can only create a possession tactic with a lower/safer mentality. Cleon showed that it's not, but now you're almost only seeing Control possession tactics, as if everyone is simply copying him. Pretty soon he'll have to write about it being possible to create a possession tactic on Defend/Counter. Endless cycle.