Sending on loans vs Staying at club for high potential youngsters?


Aug 27, 2010
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I read somewhere in a guide before, not sure in what FM year version, that sending youngsters on loan to a club that has worst training facilities than yours would be pointless. I’m playing as Liverpool so obviously its training facilities are better than all clubs that wants to take my youngsters on loan. In the real life, of course match experience is the most important thing for a young player development, but what about FM? Which will make the player’s attribute increase more, playing reserves in a club with excellent training facilities or playing first team in a club with average training facilities?
I read somewhere in a guide before, not sure in what FM year version, that sending youngsters on loan to a club that has worst training facilities than yours would be pointless. I’m playing as Liverpool so obviously its training facilities are better than all clubs that wants to take my youngsters on loan. In the real life, of course match experience is the most important thing for a young player development, but what about FM? Which will make the player’s attribute increase more, playing reserves in a club with excellent training facilities or playing first team in a club with average training facilities?

The way I see it, if I'm Liverpool and say for example my Training Facilities are 5*, and there is a youngster who isn't ready for our first team just yet, I'll happily send him out on loan to a L1/Champ/Prem team (depending on his level) who only have 3.5/4* facilities if he's going to be playing regular first team football while he's there.
I think Cleon has a really good guide on this (could be Guido Merry, i'll have a google later)