
Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
I know it's just a game (ok, it's not really :) ) but does anyone else get sentimental over players? At Real Madrid I didn't care when Ronaldo etc retired but my first set of regens I trained from 16 are now 33/34 years old and if I'm honest I'm not sure the game will feel the same without them, is it just me...?
Not just you, I get sentimental about some of my younger players, i think its because I developed them into the players they are. I tend to try add them as my backroom staff if they go into coaching.
although i play FM since 2000's iv'e never reached 10 seasons in a single save, its too much boring specialy when i win everything i don't know how you guys continue like 20+ season, whats the fun?

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I think the fun part actually becomes the players, you kinda win everything all the time so that gets boring but seeing a 15 year old kid you paid £500k for become the best player in the world is worth it, again maybe that's why I get sentimental about them!
Totally. My coaches say that Brad Walker is a 1 and 1/2 star player in my Blackburn team, but I can't even drop him. HE'S THE HEARTBEAT OF THE CLUB :'(
I get so sentimental over real life players being club favorites I sign them as coaches when they hang up their boots even if they suck at coaching!
I just really want them to become coaches for my favorite team IRL so I make sure at least they do when I'm the boss on FM :)