serious problem!!! game crashes 31st dec. 2012


Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
A serious error was encountered and the application will close and so on... the game closes, this happens on the 31st of december 2012 game time. I am playing the game through steam and it is a game i am carrying on from the demo and as it is the date a year later from when the demo finished i was thinking that maybe it is connected???

has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know how to solve it?
I've said to several people to start fresh games rather than continuing the backup, as the transition between the two is bound to bring up bugs. In all honesty, I'd scrap that game and start fresh.
I've said to several people to start fresh games rather than continuing the backup, as the transition between the two is bound to bring up bugs. In all honesty, I'd scrap that game and start fresh.

so annoying tho -.- was with favourite team planned on playing it for ages and then tht happens was doing well as well