Set piece instructions being ignored?


Nov 11, 2014
Reaction score
Anyone else notice their set piece instructions being ignored? For corners, I selected short (and obviously made sure my best crosser was available for the short corner to send in a cross, which he always is) but time and time again it's straight into the box with no end result. Same with throw ins - should be short but nearly always taken long. This is especially a pain when it's in my own half. Defending a free kick - nobody on the posts. But then they're there for the next one. Checked my set piece creator during the game, and they must be deciding to do these things themselves because the instructions are there.

Don't know if it's a bug so wanted to ask around.
you should assign a player to receive that short throw in or cross
Anyone else notice their set piece instructions being ignored? For corners, I selected short (and obviously made sure my best crosser was available for the short corner to send in a cross, which he always is) but time and time again it's straight into the box with no end result. Same with throw ins - should be short but nearly always taken long. This is especially a pain when it's in my own half. Defending a free kick - nobody on the posts. But then they're there for the next one. Checked my set piece creator during the game, and they must be deciding to do these things themselves because the instructions are there.

Don't know if it's a bug so wanted to ask around.

Curious: Have you instructed your players to play fluid/very fluid and more expressive?
It has nothing to do with team shape. The player very rarely respects the short corner instruction, the same issue with FM13, fixed in FM14 (but then the player assigned to receive the ball was man marked by the opponent, great !!!) and returned in FM15. With another team I've been using a penalty box instruction, also doesn't work.
Lost my consecutive win record (of course, it had to be at home and it had to be a 0-0 that I should have won 7-0). You can't fault a good goalkeeper, but I can't help but wonder if my chances of scoring may have been improved by not gifting so much possession from long throws that aren't supposed to be long throws and corners that are supposed to be played short and then built on instead of just whipped in. Two steps forward, one step back seems to be a common theme.

The tactic's starting to look good both defensively and offensively, and now this presents itself.
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