Sexy Skills

I taught them everything they know.
They def need to get a life.
They're all Asian...

Pretty cool skills though
Kris said:
They def need to get a life.

Its their job Kris, i browsed the site and they are like the harlem globetrotters but footballers
thats quite sad really i wonder who thought up the idea of five men or women standing in a circle and by the look of many of the groups trying to flying kick it must have alot of time on there hands
clackerbag said:
Its their job Kris, i browsed the site and they are like the harlem globetrotters but footballers

Wonder how much they get paid :rolleyes:
in peanuts ?

thats amazing though almost looks uinnatural
?! What was this? Somebody sent me the link to the thread.
Yup, if you're going to necro a three year old thread at least click the link in the original post and have a look around.
I would love to batter them on a pitch :)

Not the women though.. I'm not a psycho
wow, over three years without a post and now this, well I guess people are always interested in something like that ay?