Shankly Appointed Boss of Heaven XI


Sep 15, 2005
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Former Liverpool player Derek Acorah - more famously known as a spiritual medium on Living TV's 'Most Haunted' says his former boss Bill Shankly has taken charge of a team of former footballing greats.

According to Derek - and we confess we're big fans of both him and his spiritual sidekick Sam - Bill Shankly has formed a team to play out their own World Cup in Heaven.

Acorah said: "My old boss has taken charge of a team. He's appointed himself as manager and he has some real greats playing for him.

"There are teams in Heaven but it is a different kind of thing to what we are used to on this level."


didnt know he used to play for Liverpool though
So erm any idea of the players in 'Heaven XI'. Also how reliable is your source?
So how is this thread part of "other leagues"? and i don't really get it. Never seen the show. Is it a joke?
Well i doubt they have a league in Heaven.

Jinky would be in it, as would that Baxter(?) of Rangers?....Best upfront the team would rock and have the same average age as the boro squad :rolleyes:
So it's a team full of dead men. This guy is obviously an Englishman, and a major football fanatic at that. Let the men rest in peace.
To be honest, any bloke who repeatedly shouts 'Mary loves ****' on national tv and expects to be taken seriously needs shooting.
Most hanuted is meant to be serious,but many think (including me) its mostly a load of balls
ajw said:
Most hanuted is meant to be serious,but many think (including me) its mostly a load of balls

What you talkin about Most Haunted is pure class!!

Especially when they have all the fake ghosts and pretend a ghost just threw a rock at them when really it was just the camera-man!!!! Pure Class!!!:D