This tactic deserves a bit more coverage, big fan of StephenHK and this is providing great results and good footballing viewing with My Bristol City save..
This tactic deserves a bit more coverage, big fan of StephenHK and this is providing great results and good footballing viewing with My Bristol City save..
Glad to hear, others have mentioned it's been doing extremely well on the public beta to.
can some upload the team instructions or add a picture, am on stadia so can't download
Hello everyone,

It seems like a great tactic, but I am always scared when I see PF, even more on support, because I love when I see my attackers scoring, so do you all guys keep it PF - Support or you changed it?
Hello everyone,

It seems like a great tactic, but I am always scared when I see PF, even more on support, because I love when I see my attackers scoring, so do you all guys keep it PF - Support or you changed it?
Hi Alex, saw you pop round earlier. As you saw I kept the PF's on Support and they still scored quite often enough.
Glad to hear, others have mentioned it's been doing extremely well on the public beta to.

Quick msg off topic but can u download the public beta for FMT?

Ps. I've found the "steel chicken" tactic the best away tactic by far for 20.2.3
Quick msg off topic but can u download the public beta for FMT?

Ps. I've found the "steel chicken" tactic the best away tactic by far for 20.2.3
Sadly not, it's just for the full client at the moment.

Move the volante to a CM DLP Defend and it's amazing on beta
Also been trying this. Can agree works a charm.
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Move the volante to a CM DLP Defend and it's amazing on beta
pure gold, with arsenal, tough 1--0 wins against liverpool (also got a 3-0 win against liv), manu etc. There will be the occasional loss, but that cant be helped
I"ve switched this to a 433 and its blitzing teams. I do have an elite squad though.
do you have a screenshot of the tactic as a 433 please?



Here's the file:


  • 433mu.fmf
    44.6 KB · Views: 164
It worked really well the first 15 games, now i can`t seem to get it working. 5 games without winning.....
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