Sheffield United League 1

Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
I was wondering if there were any ideal tactics that I could use for a strong league 1 side since I'm no expert with tactics.
I was wondering if there were any ideal tactics that I could use for a strong league 1 side since I'm no expert with tactics.
It would depend on how you aim to play the game. There is à bunch Of tactics( like HazzaS, Brobs, Anders, The Grid etc, the4123 formation ) abusing the match engine. If being good at squad building and upsetting the players too much in the man handling,you will probably be able to get back to back promotions and challenge for the title in your first season in the Prem

If you are looking for tactics that dont exploit the Match Engine, then have à look at some Of Raikans or some Of My Team Tactics( found in My tactic thread)
I've been using one of your tactics and it has been working quite well, only problem is though, it causes my players to shoot from distance a lot and opposition to be able to lob my defenders but i've had a good run of games and top of the league
I've been using one of your tactics and it has been working quite well, only problem is though, it causes my players to shoot from distance a lot and opposition to be able to lob my defenders but i've had a good run of games and top of the league
If they are problems, tweak the tactic to create a deeper D-Line, so long balls will just be headed clear, and use the shout 'Work ball into Box' which I believe tells players to take long shots less often, not sure though. You could also check PPM's, and attempt to teach any one with 'Shoots from Range' to not do it any more
I've been using one of your tactics and it has been working quite well, only problem is though, it causes my players to shoot from distance a lot and opposition to be able to lob my defenders but i've had a good run of games and top of the league

If long shots are bothering you, on the tactics page go into the Player section, click Show Instructions for every forward and reduce the 'Long Shots' bar on the Offensive section.