
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
Planning on doing a very in-depth moneyball based save using Sheffield Utd.
I am a true maths nerd and always wanted to try this.
I am just wondering if anyone is interested and if I should write about it?
Definitely interested, Moneyba is one of my fave books! The movie is great aswell. I always try to do a money ball save but it never works out, so good luck to you!
Do you think Sheffield Utd. is a good choice? Good facilities but with relatively low finances.
I have had success with this type of approach before but this time around I am going to try and use stats and their correlation with perrformance to my advantage
They are a good choice, I think the best at League 1 level. Personally I prefer MK Dons in a money ball save but that is my preference and don't let it influence your decision because Sheffield U is a good choice.
i had considered MK Dons but as a proud yorkshireman I was enticed to Sheffield.
They have good history and I wanted to start at league 1/2 level so I would have time to build my squad how I want
As much as I am a fan of Moneyball in a general sense, I don't think it can really be applied to football with quite the same effect as in baseball, simply because there are far more variables in a game of football than there are in baseball. In baseball, someone is at all times attempting to strike someone out or make a hit/home-run, therefore it is a lot easier to analyze the data. Football however is a much more teamwork orientated sport. Take for example Kanté for leicester, apart from the stats showing that he is leading the way in terms of tackling and interceptions, there are no stats to demonstrate what effect these tackles and interceptions are having. If you look at his goals and assists tally for the season, you'll find he is below average. However, if you watched for example the game against arsenal the other day, you could easily see the way in which he affected the game and stats or otherwise, there was no denying he was the best player on the park. Furthermore, IMO he has been Leicesters most effective player all season, but there is no real concrete evidence of his effect on the teams performances. Personally, I prefer to just run the club in an extremely efficient business manner, making profits on transfers, keeping firm control on wages etc and generally making sure the club pays for itself. I'd like to hear your ideas though :)
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I understand where you are coming from completely. I am aware that statistics are of less value in football than in baseba;l and often people judge players on statitics that they are in no control over ie. a striker will have low shot% if his teamates are supplying him with poor quality chances on goal. As for my approach I intend on investigating the correlation/relationship between certain attributes and performance.
I believe that 99% of FM players value the wrong or at least miss some attributes when looking for players and therefore make more error when judging a player to sign. I am looking to investigate precisely the most important attributes for each tactical role to ensure good performance and thus remove as much of the error in judging a player as possible. Thus making my signings more efficient, making better use of my transfer and wage budget, and ultimately building a winning squad.
Go for it man ! I am sure that this save will provide us great feedback in players searching !
I understand where you are coming from completely. I am aware that statistics are of less value in football than in baseba;l and often people judge players on statitics that they are in no control over ie. a striker will have low shot% if his teamates are supplying him with poor quality chances on goal. As for my approach I intend on investigating the correlation/relationship between certain attributes and performance.
I believe that 99% of FM players value the wrong or at least miss some attributes when looking for players and therefore make more error when judging a player to sign. I am looking to investigate precisely the most important attributes for each tactical role to ensure good performance and thus remove as much of the error in judging a player as possible. Thus making my signings more efficient, making better use of my transfer and wage budget, and ultimately building a winning squad.

Sounds good! I know what you mean with the attributes thing. Sometimes when people think they have a good player on their hands, I can't for the life of me think how they've decided on it :p
When you see people judging a striker simply on his finishing stat and wondering why he dosnt score.
Hopefully I will be able to find a number for the relationship between each attribute and performance.
Lots of testing required but I currently have about 5 seasons of testing completed and soon will begin working with the numbers.