
Nov 5, 2010
Reaction score
I'm having abit of a problem, there has been so many games where I have dominated and at average had around 15-20 shots each game but I drop points due to alot of shots off target and Its really frustrating :S, can anyone give any tips to help with this?

Thanks :)...
Strikers with higher composure are more important than high finishing. If that helps much.
Strikers with higher composure are more important than high finishing. If that helps much.

It doesnt matter how composed you are if you can't finish you can't finish, simple as that. Most top Defenders have high composure but low finishing doesn't mean they will take all there chances.

Anyway, if a player has 20 finishing but 5 composure then he isn't a very good striker because he will miss loads of chances because he can't stay composed. There needs to be a good balance between both attributes.
It sounds like you are having a lot of long shots since you are getting a lot of shots off target. You need to penetrate and getting in behind the defense. Lower the long shot setting of your players and/or use the 'Work ball into box' shout.
It also could be that your players are shooting because they don't have a passing option. So it may also be worth fiddling with the passing settings.
Tell your player to unlearn 'shoot from distance' and 'shoot with power' PPM if they have. Wayne Rooney typical
The game is bugged to keep scores low. I am current;y European, League and Cup holder. My strikers are Dzeko, Hernandez, Lukaku, Ronaldo & Balotelli, yet every game I play is the same. I dominate possession, territory, chances, but will have about 30 shots (not long range) and only 2 or 3 on target. It doesn't matter what instructions you give them and what moves they learn/unlearn and what stats they have they will simply blaze over. Opposition strikers will generally score if out through unless they are low league, but my strikers turn into retards in front of goal.