Should a 'Tiki-Taka' tactic be slow or fast tempo ?


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Should a 'Tiki-Taka' tactic be slow or fast tempo ? Also should 'Creative Freedom' be 'More Disciplined' or 'More Expressive' ?
the higher the passing, first touch, decisions etc attributes of your team, I think the quicker the tempo should be as they are more capable of moving the ball around quicker, tiring the opposition, making CCC's. I also think it should be set to more disciplined to stick the the tactical plan but your more creative players; like your playmakers (cm's and inside forwards) should have they're creative freedom increased in the player instructions. also make sure you select your preferred moves for your players if you see them kicking the ball away to play a simple passing game, just be sensible with it and don't make things over complicated and you should be fine
I'm sorry to add a bit of confusion here, but I've to disagree with this. I'm definitely not saying I'm right, but I believe a quicker tempo would be more appropriate to a counter-attack tactic based.

The tiki takia is a POSSESSION based football, it means you want to build your attack and NOT rushing them. The ball moves between your players, and wait that there's a breach made in the opposite defense before starting the attack. You don't want to lose the ball in an inappropriate situation.

On the other hand, it's better to have quick defenders, to play in a high Defensive line. You want to make sure your possession is going to be in THEIR side of the field, and not a tone of useless passes at the back and in your own side. Pacey defenders because I'm not sure you'd like to get caught in a through ball, or a counter-attack from your opponents when you lose the ball.

Of course, the tactic success would depend on the rest of your settings as well (the good balance between this D-line, pass level, tempo, attacking mind, creative freedom...) and (obviously as my friend said in the previous thread) your players' attributes in the correct area :).
Agree, the tempo should be slow or normal but with very low time wasting ( decision urgency). The tempo dictates how Quick the team tries to get the ball into an attacking position, not how Quick they make à pass.