Should i get rid of Vela????

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Yh but just read what i askED for advice on. I said im looking for someone ready made and i disagree with what you say as you can produce a world class player with any half decent team as long as he plays well.

You really are a dumbass. First of all, Camacho's stats are already world class, considering his age, too. Second, he's not going to become world class at Athletico Madrid, is he? Third, you better get him now before his price sky rockets. Fourth, he is the best option on the game. And finally... you really are dumb.
no way you have to keep vela with my second season for arsenal he is worth 20 million pounds and scored 20 goals and a replacement for veloso i would buy either cabaye or steven defour
You really are a dumbass. First of all, Camacho's stats are already world class, considering his age, too. Second, he's not going to become world class at Athletico Madrid, is he? Third, you better get him now before his price sky rockets. Fourth, he is the best option on the game. And finally... you really are dumb.

You are a **** head arent you? And if Sergio Aguero can become world class at Athletico why the **** cant Camacho
how do you get vela people im on my 3rd season now need a centre back good one.. i thinking of .. pigue, fazio, but im offering stupid amounts like 2o mill and 24 monthly installments of 30 mill and still rejecting.. well odd, and im bidding for vela coz i have herd the hype of him and i offered 30 mill up front and 20 mill in 24 months installments and they rejected tht aswell.. its stupid i need help man GRRR .. ridiculous money reli ...i sold defoe and woodgate soo tht is why i need replacements.. IF ANYONE COULD HELP THEN I WOULD BE SOO GREATFULL .
1st of all are you two that are bickering on an online forum 12 years old or something?

if not the grow up and act you age!!

now to the questions

i would never sewll vela he is good to begin with and he only gets better. Do not concern yourself with his pace only being 14, look at centre backs pace they are rarely much faster then that

As for a ready made quality dm to replace veloso i would highly reccomend Jeremy toulan on lyon, he is world class and only cost's about 15 million (which is a bargain for a world class player)
1st of all are you two that are bickering on an online forum 12 years old or something?

if not the grow up and act you age!!

now to the questions

i would never sewll vela he is good to begin with and he only gets better. Do not concern yourself with his pace only being 14, look at centre backs pace they are rarely much faster then that

As for a ready made quality dm to replace veloso i would highly reccomend Jeremy toulan on lyon, he is world class and only cost's about 15 million (which is a bargain for a world class player)

I agree with you they are acting 12 or even less
You really are a dumbass. First of all, Camacho's stats are already world class, considering his age, too. Second, he's not going to become world class at Athletico Madrid, is he? Third, you better get him now before his price sky rockets. Fourth, he is the best option on the game. And finally... you really are dumb.

You should really get off Camachos japs eye.

Senna's ready made.
yeah sennas good abit old but you`ll get 2-3 good years from him! i`ve just got ketia(spelling) from barca doing well at min!
sell vela at your peril his finishing is amazing and only gets better! best player on game tho is federico fazio!!! 20 goals a season from centre half, corner header boom one-nil!!!
Camacho is good, but depends on the system, but since this guy is asking for a ready now player, arguing for Carmacho its like special Olympics, even though u may win, ur still a ******.
Camacho is the only realistic one as the other two wont leave but hes still young and not quite as good as veloso and im looking for a ready made replacement

I brought camacho into my team at a young age and played him first team, because that way he'll get better, quicker.
But he was my best player for the rest of the season and get young player of the month 4 months in a row!! but then lost it to vela :L:L

camachos worth a try tho,:D
in fm vela is better than aguero in my opinion.
sell if u can get 25m or more.
You should never sell Vela, that would be a big mistake, his pace may be only 14 but that's not the end of the world? Maybe retrain his position?