
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
I am managing Spurs in their third season and Manchester City have offered my a contract, with transfer funds of 100m, but I like my spurs side because I have won the Pl, Cl with them.
This Is my side (Sorry I copied it from my old post), its my first year of fm

----------------------- Diarra------------------------ Holding Midfielder



Well if you think FM is easy this way, going to City isn't really a thing for you.
stay and make your team regular premier league winners :) I'd say only leave to go to a big team abroad
Depends how you feel. You may wanna be loyal and stay and build a dynasty blah blah blah or you may be thinking **** it I wanna go wild!
Can you provide a screenshot to show your transfers and league tables? All seems a bit fishy to me, not using FMRTE etc.
yeah he has used something we all know that so we dont need prove, + do whatever you feels right to be honest i'd stay and build up that team and see if you can beat aresenal's unbeatable record in the EPL
why has he used fmrte?? i could easily bulid that team in three years with a champions leauge team. stick with spurs and create a better defence
go to city youve won the prem with spurs what else can you do with them?
Stick with your team..duh! Your team have such good players. Furthermore, many City will get unhappy, don't know why.
I have not used ftme or whatever, like most people said I just have a good squad, and because Spurs give you alot of money to spend and I spent it well

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

I mean ****** ****, I sold Lennon, Huddleston, Roman P, Crouch just to raise the transfer for Ozil and Farfan

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------

And im playing fm 2010 by the way
I have not used ftme or whatever, like most people said I just have a good squad, and because Spurs give you alot of money to spend and I spent it well

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

I mean ****** ****, I sold Lennon, Huddleston, Roman P, Crouch just to raise the transfer for Ozil and Farfan

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------

And im playing fm 2010 by the way

My bad mate, I didn't see in the original post that it was your 3rd season. You've done a great job!
No worries mate, but I dont know if I mangaged to buy these players because I was playing fm 2010, because during that time I dont think players like ozil were that hard to buy, but yeah I will stick with spurs for this season as well. because now I also manage Nigeria for International duties