Significance-A very important word


Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score


“W-w-why thank you Mr.Saunders, I’d be delighted to.” I said nervously down the phone as the other hung up.

Well, you may feel a bit strange not knowing what was going on in that phone call. That man was Mr.Saunders of Saunders & Bowen solicitors, Norwichl. After I’d graduated from Cardiff University I came to Liverpool, looking for a job and perhaps a partner. Well until now I’d been successful in one of these ventures, I’d found a partner, Rose, that’s her name a real charmer she is Rose Longfield, long brown hair down her back, startling green eyes and a body to match any super-models.

I quickly ran out of the house and walked to Rose’s, I was approaching her street and saw her step onto the road with her groceries, I saw her smile as she saw my face and then her crumple to the ground as the car hit her. I immediately reached into my pocket for my phone and grabbed the battered old Nokia dialling 999.

“Police, fire or ambulance?” a voice asked
“Ambulance, and fast” I said
“What’s the matter?” the same voice asked
“My girlfriends been hit by a car” I said hurriedly
“24 Richardstone Lane” I half-shouted
“We’ll by there as soon as possible, sir” the voice said

I looked up again and saw a crowd of people surrounding Rose I then heard a distant Ambulance before running to Rose.


All I could remember was jumping into the ambulance and making the journey to the hospital. They had whisked her off to a ward and shortly after they calmed me down –I’d tried to stay by Rose- her parents joined me. We sat in miserable silence, waiting for any news on Rose’s condition when the doctor walked in we jumoed to our feet.

“I’m sorry, she has lost too much blood if you would like to make your final goodbyes.” He said waving his hand. I allowed her parents in first then I went in myself.
“Hello, Rose” I said
“Hello.” She croaked
“I got the job” I said sheepishly
“Well done!” she said happily before going into a fit of coughs the life support machine blipped.
“Goodbye, Matthew” she said
“Goodbye, Rose” I said kissing her on the forehead as she slipped into a never-ending sleep.
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Sorry for lack of updates.Next one on the way now.


“And it’s McAnuff…… It’s in Joni McAnuff has put Reading in the Championship play-off final! At the expense of his old club Cardiff” as the away end exploded, I groaned, not long after I left East Anglia with one kind of depression, another has been rained down upon me. It was a feeling I knew all too well after my years following City across the nation, that sinking feeling when you were so close yet so far. And to top it all of The Jacks (Swansea) are in the final. What a shambles, Jones better go soon and when he does I’d get that Mackay in, the Watford manager.


“And Griffin trips up the Swansea man…. Penalty! And surely Swansea have won now and, yes, it’s in Scott Sinclair has put Swansea City FC in the Premier League!!!!!”

****** ****! I think, not scream, I’m not on my own now I’m round my parent’s house watching Swansea get to the Premier League, well then I’ve had one **** of a month, a very depressing time indeed. Well then, not many other talking points well until switching to Sky Sports News and seeing the headline and hearing the ring of my phone.

****** SACKED!
Start of a journey


I woke up blurry eyed and stumbled over the floor with a pounding headache and a great urge to ****. As I got to the bathroom the contents of last night spilled out into the sink, I did my business and went downstairs. I got a glass of water and drank, I immediately felt better and opened up the laptop I typed in BBC Sport and saw a sort of old article.



Today Cardiff City announced the sacking of manager Malky Mackay only a few weeks after being sacked by Watford.

The thirty-nine-year-old manager has been sacked by chairman of the club Datuk Chan Thien Ghee after a boardroom row over finances.

The relatively young manager was looking forward to his reign in South Wales with optimism and is severely disappointed with his sacking.

I refresh the tab to find a story that I knew already.


Today Cardiff City announced their new manager with a Q & A session with him, many were expecting a seasoned trophy-getter who was easing into retirement but journalists were shocked to find a twenty-five-year-old in the seat. Many people taken a back it took a lot explaining from Mr. Ghee that this was the manager. Many were sceptical but carried on with their jobs to find that the new manager’s name was Matthew Hawkins a Norwich University graduate.

Click here to read more.

This needs a lot of explaining, but first, let’s have a sit down grab a drink get comfortable because this will be an unforgettable journey.
With this save I'm aiming for Hall of Fame so if I get sacked I carry on with another club


As soon as I was shown my office I encountered a note on the desk, wondering what it was I picked it up. It was a handwritten message from a player.

Dear Mr. Hawkins,

In light of your recent appointment which I don not agrre on I would like to hand in a transfer request as I feel the club will be hindered by a lack of experience.

A Gerrard

The cheeky sod. Just because I’m a bit younger than other managers doesn’t mean I’m no good. I’ll show him, I’ll show them all that youth can work with managers as well as it does with players. After reading that I sent an E-Mail to the club secretary, she would send a message stating Anthony Gerrard was for sale for £300,000 to every manager in the Championship and higher League 1. I immediately delved into my funds, The Malaysians (the board) as we call them had given me a war chest of £750,000 for a high finish. I looked at my E-Mail’s and found a new one.

Tony.SCFC.Pulis@Skycom--- Rory Delap-------------------------------------10:21 am

I opened up the message.

Rory Delap
CC: Neil Warnock, Chris Hughton, Nigel Adkins, Sam Allardyce, David Cotterill…..

Hello everyone,

I’ve sent you all this message as I am looking to offload central-midfielder Rory Delap for a small fee of £525,000

My regards,
Tony Pulis

Hmmmm, I thought, Delap’s decent wouldn’t be a bad player to add to the squad, his throws are legendary too I’ll reply to Tony and say I’m prepared to pay the money. Writing out a quick not to remind me to tell the board, I head outside to meet the players (many of whom I already know due to being a fan). I expected a hostile response and I received one from Anthony Gerrard but the others welcomed me with open arms. I told them to start doing laps of the training centre 3 in total. Towards the end of the second lap I noticed a few straglers.

“Who are those 3 at the back?” I asked my assistant David Kerslake
“Ermmm…. Jon Parkin, Paul Quinn and errrrr Anthony Gerrard” he replied
“Right then, they better get fit or they’re out” I said and he nodded in agreement I made a note in my coveted notebook.


Today the South Wales Echo can announce the comings and goings (so far) for Cardiff City.



The veteran centre-half will be hoping to push either Ben Turner or club-captain Mark Hudson out of the team.


RORY DELAP, STOKE CITY, 35, £525,000

The old Warhorse has taken a wage cut and a drop from the Premier League to join the Bluebirds. Let’s hope that’s it only a one-season-break.



The young winger is a great addition to a Bluebirds squad who are running low on wingers. The youngster will be hoping that he can break into the first-team


Here we’ll have a look at some of our favourites who we won’t see wearing a City shirt this season.



“The Beast” was released by Hawkins early on and has failed to find a club since. Good luck, big guy.



Quinny failed to make an impression last season and has obviously not done enough to persuade Hawkins, a shrewd piece of negotiating bags 350 grand



Cousin of Steven was disappointed with the appointment of Hawkins and handed in a transfer request at the start of his reign.

The signings have been impressive, but how will they fair on the pitch? We at the South Wales Echo can’t wait to find out


“Ring, ring, ring,” what? “Ring ring” just shut up. Oh f*** it I thought slamming the alarm clock as reality came over me. I tried clinging on to sleep, tried to grasp my wonderful dream but it went, like a flock of birds from a magician’s hand flying until they are out of sight, no longer catchable, unreachable. My dream was so realistic I felt like I was there and, as reality locked my in its steely grip, I couldn’t help longing for land of sleep and hope. The injustice I felt as I ruefully woke up was unbelievable just a few more minutes I thought, please! I dragged myself to the bathroom to have a shower, clean my teeth, etc

I walked downstairs flicked on Sky Sports News to find two managers had been sacked. Dave Jones by Cardiff City and Terry Brown by AFC Wimbledon they then showed an advert made by AFC Wimbledon welcoming anyone to apply for the job. Well that’s it then, I thought, AFC Wimbledon are decent club I’ll apply

I arrived in Kingston-upon-Thames at 3:00 p.m and I was ushered into Kingsmeadow by a man who introduced himself as Dickie Guy a director

“It is splendid to have you here” he said “we thought nobody like you would apply”

“Like me?” I asked

“Yes, young” he replied “first door on the right”

I walked down a red and white corridor and knocked on a door.

“Come in” a voice told me I walked in “aaah Mr.Hawkins I have been waiting for you. I am Edward Chorlton chairman of Exeter City FC” he said extending a hand which I shook.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Samuelson” I said

“Please call me Erik” he said “now then down to business. I want you to talk to me tell me what you feel you could do at this club”

“Well, Erik” I said “I feel with the players at the club I could attain a mid-table finish and play quick football, I feel that within a few years I could get this club into League 1.”

“Very good,” he said “now then, I feel that you’ve said enough I would like you to become manager of AFC Wimbledon” he said sliding a contract across the desk “it’s not much but we’re not the club we once were, well MK Dons once were” he said with utter distaste when he said MK Dons.

I looked at the crisp piece of paper read thoroughly and then picked up the pen and signed.


“Very well then, Mr. Hawkins you are now the new manager of AFC Wimbledon” he said gripping my arm into a firm handshake



Like this mate, am a follower. Check my Green Army story. Thx


The man walked out doing a fairly strange jig
Wearing a long brown coat that was too big
His smiling white teeth glinting in moonlight
He was evidently flying high as a kite

The man, he looked as happy as Larry
“He’s rather strange” said my son Harry
“Yes, I agree with you my son
He is a fairly odd one”

“I HAVE IT! I have it! I have the job”
Another man shouted “shut yer gob!”
Yells were directed upon
The young man from AFC Wimbledon


As I read the column memories came back from the night before, my shouting my head off with joy like a small boy at Christmas and I had indeed felt like a boy in a sweetshop I was also delighted about the back page as well as it read:


Young, exuberant, crazy those are the three words 25-year-old manager of AFC Wimbledon Matthew Hawkins used to describe himself. Unlike many other managers Hawkins has no experience of playing football other than semi-professional fare at Newport County, but he has been watching the beautiful game for 21 years.
“When I first watched a game of footy it was a freezing cold Boxing Day and I had to watch a game of hoofball between Cardiff City and Carlisle United (City won 3-1) in Division Four, I loved it.” He said grinning crazily. He was asked questions on his new job and when one journalist asked about his preferred style of play he replied
“What do you think? Because I ain’t got a clue! Only joking it’s called the beautiful game for a reason you know!”

If I were Hawkins I would add charismatic to that list.

Graham Moody, sports reporter

Well then, now that’s out of the way I decided to get dressed (It was early!) in my best clothes, an AC/DC t-shirt that I got when I left home four years ago a pair of Levis and some Doc Marten boots, I grabbed my helmet, my riding gloves, my leather jacket and the keys to my Kawasaki 250 cc motorbike and set off from the hotel I was staying at. I roughly knew the directions to Kingsmeadow but I got lost and had to ask a man wearing an AFC Wimbledon shirt where to go.

“Oh just go round that corner turn right at the roundabout and it’s the first big stadium on your right…” he said “… I know you! You’re the new manager whats-your-name erm Matthew Hawkins! That’s it! Mind if you sign my shirt?” he asked
“My pleasure” I said doing a quick M. Hawkins (fancily) on his shirt.
“Thanks mate!” he said
“Thanks for the directions” I replied

I reached Kingsmeadow at 9:00 a.m. and saw that the players were dumbfounded by my look, I guess this wasn’t average managerial clothing.
“Right then, lads what are you waiting for? Over 23s down that end” I said pointing to one set of goalposts “under-23s down there” I said pointing down the other end, I threw a ball in the air. “Play!” I shouted and divine madness broke out. I was joined by a man who introduced himself as Stuart Cash the assistant manager, you could easily tell he was shocked by my appearance and age. He looked pompous and posh (two of my pet hates) he looked bewildered as he took in my Doc Marten boots and leather jacket, he noticed my AC/DC t-shirt and I thought he’d probably choose a classical French/German/Austrian/Italian/whatever composer over an Australian rock-band any day of the week. I’d change his views in time, anyway the lads were playing a scrappy match until a man on the under-23s picked up the ball and performed a type of excellence I never thought I’d see at the foot of the Football League he had the name YUSSUFF on the back of his shirt and went past one, two, three players before slotting under the despairing dive of Seb Brown (he’s actually 21 but there isn’t enough over23s) I applauded and allowed the game to run for another half an hour I wrote the result in my notebook. I nicknamed them (over23s Crazy Gang under23s the Wombles)


I called them together and split them into 2 groups attackers with keepers, defenders with midfielders and wingers. The attackers had to take penalties against the keepers (Seb Brown and Jack Turner taking turns to attempt to save them) and the midfielders down the other end had to get past the defenders. Simples. I decided to call a staff meeting in the portakabin next to the training pitch and we discussed tactics for an hour before ending the training session. I decided to go to my office and call the club’s scouts in. Patrick Hatch sat in front of m.

“Right then, Pat I’d like you to scout these players.” I said handing him a list.

Adam Street-Goalkeeper
Pablo Counago-Attacker
Jacob Walcott-Midfielder
Chris Shepherd-Midfielder
Jamie Clapham-Defender
Jordan Santiago-Goalkeeper
Alex Evans-Defender
Kadeem Harris-Winger
Ibrahim Farah-Midfielder

“Will do, boss” he said
“Thanks.” I replied as he left the room