
Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
i have found a wonder kid in brazil is it posible to sign him as work permit has been rejected??? Is there anything that can contribute to work permit getting accepted?
you can cheat but personally for me it makes the game boring slightly so i DON'T cheat ;)
Send him on loan to a spanish feeder club :)

i cant send him on loan to a spanish club as i dont own the player and newcastle have signed a player on my game from a brazilian league so there must be someway how a bout high wages?
To be granted a work permit, a player must have played in 75% of his national teams games in the previous 2 years. Or be described as a 'special talent' upon appeal (Anderson to Man Utd was such a case)

Within FM, if your player doesn't meet the 75% requirement he is unlikely to be granted a work permit unless he is already a very well known star.
To be granted a work permit, a player must have played in 75% of his national teams games in the previous 2 years. Or be described as a 'special talent' upon appeal (Anderson to Man Utd was such a case)

Within FM, if your player doesn't meet the 75% requirement he is unlikely to be granted a work permit unless he is already a very well known star.

cheers bit gutted cause the player i am after is 14 and worth 1.5m so hasnt played any international matches and isnt know and likely tht madrid or barca will come in for him :(
cheers bit gutted cause the player i am after is 14 and worth 1.5m so hasnt played any international matches and isnt know and likely tht madrid or barca will come in for him :(

If he is 14 and brazilian then he wont join your team until he is 18. So keep trying, it's quite likely he'll get enough caps in the next few years.
If he is 14 and brazilian then he wont join your team until he is 18. So keep trying, it's quite likely he'll get enough caps in the next few years.
Are you sure it is 18? I thought it was 17... Might be wrong though ;)
They sign a professional contract at 17 but Brazilian and players from some other nations cant join a foreign team until they are 18.
Yeah, and if you don't have a feeder club: get one.

Make sure you check how long it will take them to gain citizenship. It differs depending on the country.
I do love how some people have just said "Loan him out".
How can he loan him out when he can't get a work permit to join his club to then be loaned out ;3
I do love how some people have just said "Loan him out".
How can he loan him out when he can't get a work permit to join his club to then be loaned out ;3
No, they'll straight loan them out to the feeder club then join his team after he got citizenship.
It's like Vela in Arsenal.
If he is 14 then he can't sign untill he turns 18 as the rules in Brazilian Football says they cant move abroad under the age of 18 Years :/

Like the guy said above he can sign him but without a Citenzenship but can loan him out with a feeder/Parent club depends how big the team is :)
i managed to sign the kid he signed a pre-contract deal with his club so i offered a fee of 2m which was accepted then offer contract 12,000 and his work permit was accepted but i now have to wait till he is old enough :) but more likely to get match practise at his current club
How bout putting up this Wonderkid up in a Screenshot so we can all see how good he is :D