Sissoko suffers shoulder injury

BBC Sport

BBC Sport News Headlines
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
Liverpool midfielder Mohamed Sissoko dislocates his shoulder in a Carling Cup tie at Birmingham.

'Momo is a player who doesn't like to stay on the ground' haha you're havin a larf, was benitez watching when they played us? he spent more time on the ground than up thats for sure. and he was ****
'Momo is a player who doesn't like to stay on the ground'

God read it carefully, he doesn't deny he dives like a salmon. Just that when he does dive he gets straight up.
Ajw didnt say he dived, just said that he spent lots of time on the floor..which is contrary to what benitez said :)
thanks redders :) (although he does dive :p)

I can understand Lee's reaction though, I mean it must be tough supporting liverpool
I can understand Lee's reaction though, I mean it must be tough supporting liverpool

LMAO :D. Momo is ******* good though, looked nasty on tv
lol come on u blues we deserved somethin from tht game n sissokos injury woz bad luck 4 both teams. bad 4 liverpool bcuz hes out 4 3 months and bad 4 us because lpool scored in the 7 mins added on bcuz ov his injury :(