Snack Food ...

Cider and Pringles. Bam.

I also take Yorkie's, it makes me seem more of a man to the shopkeeper.
Jake you fat *******.

I don't think I need to list anything because Jake has covered them all.
I like crisps, salami and cheese.

Its probably caviar for andid1.
Tell you what.

You cannot beat a Co-op meal deal as a hangover cure, you get co-op sandwich (any of them with chicken in are excellent and cannot be beaten by any other sandwich based meal deal, other than boots) and a co op chocolate brownie which is also excellent.

My weekly saturday hangover cure is get one of these from the shop in Ladybarn (we live near a place called Ladybarn, lol) and then go and spend 50p on a stupid accumulator from William Hill across the road and have a laugh at the stupid return.

Another great snack has got to be the festive bake from Greggs - 2 for a measly 2 quid. Go and get two. Now.
A bottle of Irn Bru and a pack of Custard creams or midget gems is usually the FM treat for me.
Another great snack - homous and breadsticks. Or chilli heatwave Doritos.
Maryland Chocolate chip cookies are pure win.
Bottle of full fat chilled Irn Bru, packet of salt and vinegar McCoys and a KitKat chunky :wub:
kebab,fanta and the friend(cocacola,sprite),fish fillet