
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
I've just recently been promoted into the BPL, coming up from League 1 as Crewe. My team isn't playing well because my strikers decided to not try this season even though they are world class... I have 3 ties in the prem and 3 losses, with 2 wins from Capital One Cup in between some prem games, so my morale isn't the best. In the past four games I've had 3 red cards to some of my important players and about 18 yellow cards in 8 games. Also, I have gotten quite a few injuries to my team? I'm not sure of the reason for this or how to fix it? Is it just my team not caring because of the poor morale so they dive in or is it possibly other factors? Can anyone suggest how to get lower amounts of cards and injuries?
It's down to luck I think. I had an international break that killed 8 players (5 were my first eleven) for a minimum of 4 weeks.

As for the high number of cards, set tackling instructions to easy may help, especially when the ref is a strict one. Just check the number of cards he's dished out on average and you can roughly tell if he's a strict ref.

I don't have any tackling instructions to start but i'll try telling them to "stand off" and see what happens.
I have had the same trouble with the injury table! I have 2 saves on the go, in both once i got to November im struggling to get enough players together to make a first 11 let alone subs!! Even my reserves are limping out for 3-5 weeks at a time!! Some of my best players have been laid up for as much 4 months in one go!!!!

Still chipping away though hahaha
It's down to luck I think. I had an international break that killed 8 players (5 were my first eleven) for a minimum of 4 weeks.

As for the high number of cards, set tackling instructions to easy may help, especially when the ref is a strict one. Just check the number of cards he's dished out on average and you can roughly tell if he's a strict ref.


You players died... then came back to life a month later 0.o