Spiderman 3

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Feb 9, 2006
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has anyone seen this yet??...

i saw it tonite and thought it was the biggest pile of wank i had ever seen.....such a load o' balls....

anyone else finkin that?? ....
I really don't buy into these type of films. Went the cinema last night to see Alpha Dog - the movie with J.Timberlake - now that was fookin class, true story aswell
I really don't buy into these type of films. Went the cinema last night to see Alpha Dog - the movie with J.Timberlake - now that was fookin class, true story aswell

Im the opposite im more into Spiderman than stuff like Alpha Dog.

Went to see Spiderman last night...the special effects and stuff were great but the story was poor.
Gunna see Spiderman 3 on Monday, watched Spiderman 1 and 2 , compeltly agree with Kris (even if he was refering to SM3) that the story is meh, spesh the second one, the love story was just too annoying and took up tooo much of the film, the stupid format blockbuster films follow ****** me off as well.
I heard it was wank as well, havnt seen 1 or 2, doubt i'll see this 1
i thought alpha dog was so aab

i had really high hopes for it but it was just meh all the way through. JT is cool but it just never really got going for me

i really liked spider man one and two and hope to see three soon
Id rather rub my ******* in glass than watch something with Justin Timberlake in it. Ive had to clean my keyboard after typing his name.

Granted the storylines in these sort of films are absolute bollocks, but the visual content does take me back to when I used to read comics as a kid, so I'll give it a bash when I can get it for nothing.

The new Batman film will rinse it for certain though....
I'm gonna go see Spiderman 3 eventually, I just hope they don't ruin Venom as he's easily the best Villian in Spiderman.

The new Batman film will rinse it for certain though....

I can't wait for that either. Lets hope they get rid of Katie Holmes because she was the only bad thing about the first film. Oh and Heath Ledger as the Joker looks immense.

Anyone looking forward to the new Incredible Hulk movie with Ed Norton as The Hulk! I know I am. :D
Batman Begins was class, def the best superhero film, Christian Bale :wub:
The Effects were good, the story was lame. As if an alien symbiote is going to turn you into a piano playing dance machine. Transformers is the next film I can't wait to see, I hope it's not a let down like this was.
So in the film did they go with the symbiote being from outer-space?
i didnt even know what it was, just some meteor falling from the sky and black **** came out
Saw it on Tuesday.

Tried seeing it on Monday but it was sold out, and so were the next 3 showings of it! Went back the next day at lunch time on a Tuesday and we still needed to que outside of the cinema, and it sold out (got a ticket before it did)

Anyway the film, was alright, like the other spidermans. I was all like oooooooooooooo ttm when he started disco dancing, fair enough the venom amplifies your worst chracteristics, with Peters being arrogance, but why did he become an arrogant 70's disco dancer
Hmmm that sounds ****. They should have given Venom his own film, seeing as he was simply awesome in the cartoon, and not share it with 2 other lame 'baddies'.
Yeh but Alpha Dog has Justin Timberlake in it, surely that makes Spiderman better no matter how lame the storyline is.
ergh Alpha Dog, watched it for about 20 mins and deleted it, cant stand white people who think they are black (they all do in this film)