
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hi could anyone maybe give me an idea on how much it cost to buy your ground.
I have a 9500 capcity ground which i need to buy so i can expand it i ask the board they say yes grt idea will start plans but evry time i lose out from luck of funds.
This also happens when i try and imporve youth any idea on coast on that would be much appreciated.

Thanks S
simple, you dont have enough money ;) . Try to do something in ECL or dont spend more than 5 mil on players per season. Or, sell your player for lot of money.
finally after winning the league 6 times in a row with liverpool, the board decided to build a new stadium in my honour with a cost of 193mil pounds and anfield got sold for 46mil and the new stadium got a 100mil sponsorship deal.
Anyone else been lucky enough to get a stadium named after them?
Your economy is bad. You simply don't have enough money. Try to get a lot of talents which you could later sell for a lot of $$$ or get into the ECL.