Staff forumla?

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Level of discipline, determination and motivation always counts. For different training categories effected by more than one attribute:

Attacking and tactical for attacking
Defending and tactical for defending
Attack and technical for shooting
Technical and mental for ball control

Rest are effected only by one attribute.

No less than 18 in all attributes that count is enough for a 5 star coach.
Is it just me or are there no staff members with all the attributes that high? I've managed to find two five star coaches, one is ricardo moniz for ball control and the other is Mario Innaurato for fitness.

Where's the rest lol? My other staff members are all four and half in training except for defending, tactics and shooting which are all four stars.
that's still a pretty good training setup. Moniz is usually good for ball control, shooting and attacking never used Innaurato so new to me.

Maybe you need a larger database to get more staff? Dunno, if I had your training I'd be happy (ish) and just keep having a quick look for regen staff that might be 5 star coaches.

I'll tell you what I have noticed in FM11 (and I think I saw it in 09 and 10 too), Staff can improve/get worse just like players can. I've signed Oliver Bierhoff as a scout cos he had judging ability of 17 and potential of 17. then judging potential went up to 18 and ability was still 17 but now they're both 18...

perhaps get younger decent staff and hope they improve to quality staff?

I don't think that Coach Calculator is working anymore mate.

Try this one from another forum:


Don't make the same mistake as me and assume it gives a list of good coaches based on search parameters - it doesn't. It just allows you to input the stats you're looking for in a coach, then it tells you the suitability of his role (e.g. tactics, ball control, attacking etc.) and how many coaches there are in the game that match your criteria.

A nice little program, useful if you're not sure which attributes help which coaching role.