Starting with 1B transfer funds - Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter LoveDon
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Jul 2, 2012
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Hey, I have a problem. I am using the editor and have successfully added 1b transfer funds to Aston Villa. I have also changed the rep and starting balance. However whenever I splurge out and buy loads of players, after about 3 games the club goes into administration due to being in a financial crisis. So what do I need to edit to stop this from happening?!
..please help, someone must know, is there a way to edit the max amount I can use for wages, or perhaps its something else that's making me go into administration every time
Check your income. Having a huge transfer budget will give you a huge wage bill as well, so you need the income to support that, and as Villa you won't be getting much in the way of european competition income, or from gate receipts.

Quick fix - use the editor to give yourself a large stadium with a big crowd to fill it. You'll need to edit the stadium and club separately. You can also increase ticket prices and clear any debts you may have.
Change the supporter profile, give them 20 in Loyalty, Affluence, and Patience for good measure. Create a bigger stadium with the max amount of seats (all seater), and set the amounf of season ticket hoders to 1/4 of what the stadium can hold, then Up season ticket prices and normal prices as high as possible. And make your max attendance the stadiums max, and the minimum, like 10,000 less than max.