
Nov 16, 2010
Reaction score
So Fabio Coentrao and Milan Jovanovic recentlied had a stat drop in almost every stat. What can be the cause of this and how do I prevent it? I have 4-5 star coachs and using the SK training schedules.
I wish I knew. Over the space of one season, my assistant managers stats dropped by nearly half and had to release him. Couldn't believe it.
i have the same issue with Fabio Coentrao.. even his stats are slowly rising in the trainig. Sudenly he dropped his main stats by 1 point down.. I think it has something to do with the fact he can't speak english(playing premier league) and his morale is still very low even i am winning every game and he is in my first team. I hope after he gets settled, his stats are going to grow like fire, but it takes time..
(sory for my bad english)
English is perfectly fine mate. Should've thought about that. Been playing FM long enough. I agree with the language barrier being a potential reason, along with determination and adaptability. How the **** did I miss that. Shame on me!! :mad:
You will find this. There's many factors that cause the problem - wrong training schedule, off-form, age.. although I doubt with Coentrao and Jovanovic it's age.
Coentrao suffers back to back injury I guess.
Jovanovic because of his age.