
Jul 27, 2012
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I am creating a custom league that basically puts the best from certain countries together to form one team, however, I have realised that a player could simply move from one team to another where they don't fit, e.g A Spanish player moving to a team that should only have German players. Is there any way around this?

Thanks in advance for anyone that has any ideas.

NB: As they are a mix of nations it will also be difficult to say no foreigners etc.
You can set the squad rules so only players on a certain nationality are elidgble to be registered i think. It'll be in the fixture rules, within the advanced rules options.
Wouldn't that change it for the whole league? In this instance I want one team to only sign British players, another with say Brazilian and Portuguese etc.
I think you can pick out team restrictions.. let me look into it.
I understand that, unfortunately in this case it will be more than just the base nation eg, A team will be based in England but allow Australians to sign too, is there a way to exempt certain countries? So can I make Brazil non-foreign for Portugal based teams and Ukraine for Russia etc.
I dont know if you can m8, there is an option for Transistional Internationals but i dont know what the refers to.

Maybe set the squad restriciton for Homegrown players only?