Thanks again for the retro city shirts, love them, but it's unfortunately a boring save when you win everything with ease.
I have two this time if that's alright.
no rush on these pal.
Team : Southampton
Kit Style: SS
Manufacturer : Nike
Sponsor : aap (current sponsor)
Home :Exact copy please pal, just would like left sleeve to have
a white ring have way up and the standard epl badges please,
all the other badges/crests/logo to be similar to england crest but in white
Away :Exact copy, please pal, same style for badges as above please
Third :Exact copy, but can almost gold and black colours please and standard
badges and crests (inc. CL sleeve crest please)
And for the second, be as creative as you want to be I don't mind, makes it a bit more unique
Please try for a
subtle rastafarian style thou, Ali G in running the show, haha it's become a bit of a ritual long term save for me...
Team: Staines Football Club
(struggled to find the right one - the after please)
Kit Style: SS
Brand: Puma
Sponsor: Something in this style, but doesn't have to be an exact copy
Club Colours:
Home: Just the Club colours please (epl badges on the sleeves)
Away: Main colour white, but a splash of club colours (epl badges on the sleeves)***trims black***
Third: Same as the away but with black please (CL badges on the sleeves)***trims white***
Thanks in advance,
Have fun.