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tshirts are old school though, i prefer tshirts that are thiner and with shorter sleaves.

ive got the numberwang tshirt from there

i hate tshirts that just have "in" phrases or current niche jokes on cos theyll be **** and out of date soon and most ppl wont even get them at the time. tacky
topman's mint :P USC is good aswell, usually sell top brands cheap, triple S can be alright aswell

USC isn't cheap. Usually like £60 for a hoodie/jacket. I havn't really bought anything new in months. Could do with some new stuff.

ewww u shop at topshop, ******* scenester

I hate Topman etc.. theyre so *****. Everybody ****** shops there to. You see guys walking round in entire outfits and everything they have is from topman...baggy jeans, tight t-shirt, brown leather jacket, one of those idiotic wooly hats, lame patterend/stripey scarf.......soooo original >_>
i love Asos it's great and i know it's a fotune but it's worth it for quality plus you know not everyone will have what your wearing
i love Asos it's great and i know it's a fotune but it's worth it for quality plus you know not everyone will have what your wearing

Its good and there's only certain things on there that are expensive like £130 jeans :o. Alot of their other stuff is average priced, apart from compared to Primark which rules :P

Yeh TK Maxx is quite good. Can sometimes find some pretty nice stuff there. Always have tons and tons of jeans as well.

I bought 2 t-shirts from there the other day.
TK Maxx sell designer names. Most of them suck tho lol.
Ohhh i love TK Maxx! :wub: they have some amazing pairs of shoes there. :D haha not a big fan of the clothes though, but the men's T-shirts are quite good if your patient enough to look through them all. :P

I haven't really done any internet shopping before but www.asos.com is really good. Topman if your the indie/emo kinda person! lol. Burton (i suppose) USC, should look in smaller shops than the big retail shops they have quite good clothing. Primark! :D <--- i think all those have been mentioned but i can't think of much else besides them. Sorry!
i dont see how your all putting people into catagories i dont see myself as anything i shop where i want. Topman has alot of crazy **** but i have found some good clothes in there
i dont see how your all putting people into catagories i dont see myself as anything i shop where i want. Topman has alot of crazy **** but i have found some good clothes in there

You put people into certain labels/catagories as you can sell clothes which you can be sure that people may like.
i think alot of people wear stuff because they think there suppost to wear it due to there music taste that really annoys me. I wear what i like and i listen to what i like
music can be a factor to influence your clothing style, though for some people it could be just about acceptance or liking the clothes generally. I know alot of people who listen to rock music but they don't have the clothes or the hair to show for it. :P lol maybe a few band t shirts though.
music can be a factor to influence your clothing style, though for some people it could be just about acceptance or liking the clothes generally. I know alot of people who listen to rock music but they don't have the clothes or the hair to show for it. :P lol maybe a few band t shirts though.

Right on. When people find out what I listen to they act all shocked like "I didn't have you down as one of them emoess". lol. Seriously though. People can be such douches.
yup i think people expect me to have the black baggie jeans and dark hoodie with the chains because of the stuff i like
neh kris, you like dream theater, id be expecting a greasy lank haired basement dwelling virgin **** but alas your only a ****

lolz huhu, only kidding bbz, luv u
From the stuff I listen to I should be wearing a slick italian suit and crooning my way around the streets ;)